Photo by Melody

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Plant NameCultivarTypeThumbnail

Antigonon leptopus
Antigonon leptopus, or Coral Vine, is a native of Mexico. It is a fast growing, evergreen vine, climbing with tendrils that will reach 40 feet (13 meters). Leaves are dark green heart-shaped to arrowhead-shaped to 5 inches (12 cm) long. It produces edible tubers. The plants are hardy in USDA zones 8-12. If grown in zone 7 there will be top die back and the roots must be heavily mulched.

Blooming Time: From midsummer to fall, the plant is adorned with small rose pink flowers to 1½ inch (3.5 cm) long. Bees, hummingbirds and butterflies are strongly attracted. The honey is dark, tastes like buckwheat honey (the plant is in the same family).

Culture: Antigonon leptopus need full sun to light shade with intermediate to warm temperatures. In the greenhouse, we use a soil mix consisting of 2 parts loam to 1 part peat moss to 1 part sand. The plants are allowed to dry slightly in between waterings. Fertilize weekly during the growing season. During the winter months, plants are watered only enough to keep the foliage from wilting or the tubers are stored at 40° F (~5° C). If the plants are grown inside or in the greenhouse, they should be cut back hard after flowering.

Propagation: Antigonon leptopus are propagated from cuttings or by seed. Seed should be sown in a well-drained soil mix and barely covered. They should germinate in 21-30 days at 65-70° F (19-21° C).
'coral vine' Seeds, Plants

Avocado gainesville gold avocado
this is a nicarauguan variety of avocado that is extensively planted in Gainesville Florida. It is cold hardy down to about 25 degrees F. The fruit is about the size of a Haas, but not quite as tasty. It grows to 40 feet tall in my backyard. I grow them from seed, but also do air-layering which takes longer.
'avocado' Plants

Citrus key lime
I grow these key limes from seed, as they make a dwarf tree. A half-barrel is ideal for dragging them in and out of the garage in winter. They are very cold sensitive, and anything below 30 degrees F will damage leaves or kill the tree back to the ground.
'key lime' Seeds, Plants
Citrus reticulata

The Ponkan is the best tasting citrus fruit that I have ever grown. It peels easily and stores well. I graft them onto trifoliata and also grow them from seed. Contrary to information elsewhere on this site, Citrus seeds are unusual in that they will not germinate if dried. If it is not feasible to plant them right away, store them in some wet tissue paper inside a ziplock bag in the refrigerator. Also seedling trees do well, contrary to the comments on your site. The main disadvantages are the larger
size of the tree, longer time until the tree begins to bear
(up to 8 years), and more thorns. Advantages are a greater
degree of cold hardiness, and the fact that if the tree is
killed to the ground by a hard freeze, it will often grow
back. A grafted tree which dies back below the graft will
only be a rootstock tree.
'Ponkan' Seeds, Plants

Citrus reticulata var. satsuma
I grow these Satsumas from seed, they do very well and make a larger upright tree. I also graft them onto trifoliate rootstock, said to confer some degree of cold hardiness. Grafted trees are smaller. the fruit is easy to peel and very sweet. they are the most cold hardy edible citrus, except for the kumquat. I have trees that have survived 10 degrees F with a plastic covering. Full size trees will take 15 degrees for a few hours without much damage.
'owari satsuma' Seeds, Plants

cucurbita maxima
these have a light orange skin and darker orange pulp. they make very good pumpkin pies, but can be baked and eaten like squash also. the vines grow quite long, up to 100 feet, and put down roots as they go. fruits weigh from 6 to 15 lbs each, and sometimes keep for up to a year in a cool dry place. I grew 300 lbs in the back yard last summer.
'native florida indian squash' Seeds

diosoprys kaki
astringent asian persimmon, cold hardy to 5 degrees F. Seeds are large, 0.5 by 1 inch by 0.25. Germination rate 85%. Trees are 25 feet tall, grow quickly due to a long taproot, and are drought resistant. Birds love the fruit which hangs on the tree until Christmas, long after the leaves have turned red and fallen. 10 seeds for a dollar.
'tanenashi' Seeds, Plants

Mirabilis jalapa
I have pink and yellow ones.
'four-o'clock' Seeds, Roots, Tubers and Bulbs
Poncirus trifoliata

In one gallon pots. Thorny. Seeds must be planted when still wet.
'Flying Dragon' Seeds, Plants Image


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