Photo by Melody

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Plant NameCultivarTypeThumbnail
Curcuma Species
Curcuma australasica

Beautiful fushia blooms appear in the spring before the foliage. Its blooms look similar to a pineapple and last for a couple of months. The flowers are great for flower arrangements and offer a beautiful tropical addition to any garden. Plant in full-sun to part-sun in zones 7-11.
Roots, Tubers and Bulbs
Hedychium coccineum

Beautifully blooming ginger with orange flowers sometimes called the bottlebrush ginger. The foliage is a deep green with a reddish tint near the underside of the leaves and closest to the stems. This is a nice erect ginger and is definately an eye catcher. The plant reaches about 7' in height and grows well in part-sun to sun. It likes organic, moist soil. Plant in zones 7-11.
'Disney' Roots, Tubers and Bulbs
Hedychium Species
Hedychium coronarium

White butterfly ginger. The blooms look like butterflies, are sweet smelling, and attract Sphinx moths in the summer months. The plant is easy to grow and multiplies quickly for sharing with friends.
It may be grown on the edges of ponds or in humus soil. It will tolerate dry conditions, once established and prefers full-sun to part-sun in zones 7-11.
Roots, Tubers and Bulbs
Water Spider Lily
Hymenocallis occidentalis

This is a beautiful spider lily with white blooms. The foliage is present during blooming and is a beautiful, deep green. Blooming time for this lily is summer. The bulbs are large and heavy.
Roots, Tubers and Bulbs
Mirabilis jalapa

The Four-O-Clock has beautiful blooms with many colors including, pink, white, red, orange, yellow. Bloom colors often mix together. It is a tender perennial and grows well in zones 9-11. The blooms are sweet smelling and open in the afternoon during June through frost. The Sphinx moth loves its flowers. It may be planted in medium to wet soil in full-sun to part-sun.
Physostegia Species
Physostegia virginiana

Lavendar blooming perennial that grows well in most soil. Full-sun to part-sun. Flowers are on a stem and look similar to foxglover blooms. Blooms can be moved around the stem and remain where you put them. Fills in areas quickly and offers a color in mass. Plant in zones 4-10.
Rosa laevigata

The white Cherokee rose is a climber that is beautiful on fences. The plant has thorns that are quite sharp. The rose hips from this plant are food for various wildlife and birds nest inside the foliage of the plant. Plant in zones 7-9.
Zingiber Species
Zingiber zerumbet

Also known as the red pine cone ginger or shampoo ginger. Beautiful foliage and the pinecones appear in late summer and early fall. The blooms/pinecones are fragrant and long lasting for flower arrangements. The pinecones are often used in the floral industry. Full-sun to part-sun in humus or heavily composted soil. Will accept dry conditions once established. Plant in zones 7-11.
Roots, Tubers and Bulbs


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