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Trading Lists: Items available from lightfalling

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Plant NameCultivarTypeThumbnail
Bell Pepper
Capsicum annuum
'Doe Hill Golden Bell' Seeds Image

Cucumis melo melon
Heirloom, Looks and tastes like a cucumber but botanically a melon. Prolific output, performs especially well in hot climates. Light green ribbed fruits grow up to two feet long; they grow straight when trellised but tend to twist when grown on the ground. 50-75 days.

Organically grown in southern Maine 2010
'Armenian cucumber, Snake melon' Seeds Image

Cucumis melo Melon
Heirloom, Huge 16 to 24 inch long melons, tan when ripe, Imagine stretching a cantaloupe,
Tasted just like a cantaloupe- sweet, juicy. Grows well on a trellis. 90 days

Organically grown in southern Maine 2010
'Banana Cantaloupe - Banana melon' Seeds Image

Cucumis melo Melon
Heirloom, smallish, Like a stretched pool ball, yellow with silvery stripes.
Mildly sweet, Short vines -great on a small trellis, 78 days

Organically grown in southern Maine 2010
'Early silverline' Seeds Image

Cucumis Sativus Cucumber
Heirloom, Introduced in 1893 by W. Atlee Burpee. Fruits are 6" by 2½" in, Turning from greenish-white to ivory, ideal for pickles or slicing. Great on a trellis, Highly productive even during hot weather. 58 days
'White wonder' Seeds
Lycopersicon lycopersicum

Tomatoes have a blue top and a green bottom, Ripens to blue top-red bottom,
The plant stem has a noticeable bluish tinge even when small!
Plant needs staking mine grew 4 to 5 feet tall.
Thin skin and juicy, average flavor.
'Bosque Blue' Seeds
Lycopersicon lycopersicum

Prolific plant with tennis ball sized tomatoes. Hold well on plant almost no splitting.
'Green Zebra' Seeds Image

lycopersicum Tomato
Creamy pale yellow tomato, Looks like a mini football shaped paste tomato.

Prolific, plant has known wilt gene, looks wilted, grows fine- about 2 feet tall

Organically grown in southern Maine 2010
'Creamy sasuage also called Banana cream' Seeds Image

Melon Cucumis Melo
Heirloom, Softball sized - Green striped ripening to Orange brown striped melon, Hence the Tigger name, Unusual looking, Very fragrant white flesh, Not as sweet as a cantaloupe - 90 days,

Organically grown 2010 - in southern Maine.
'Tigger melon' Seeds Image

Solanum lycopersicum Tomato
Heirloom bi-color, Huge yellow orange striped tomatoes
Indeterminate 82 days - Super tasty
'Old german' Seeds Image

Solanum lycopersicum tomato
Huge and tasty Yellow tomatoes
Organically grown in southern maine.
'Yellow brandywine' Seeds


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