Photo by Melody

Trading Lists: Items available from kathycrider1957

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Plant NameCultivarTypeThumbnail

Flower Black eyed Susan
have many trades available will also do SASE

Flower Clematis
Have many trades. Will do SASE
'yellow lantern' Seeds

Flower Orange Trumpet Vine
Many seeds available from 2012 season

Flower Purple Morning Glory
Have many seeds. Will do SASE

Fruit Vine Peach
these are very heavy producers. These are a type of cantalope but the size is simaalar to a large peach and is a dark yellow to orange when ripe.

Fruit Watermelon (100lb)
This watermelon is a huge fruit. When I grew it this last summer the weight ranged fron 44lbs. to 60lbs. And was a very sweet melon.

Vegetable Banana Squash
This squash is a very large squash being yellow to light orange in color and a very heavy bearer on large vines.

Vegetable Pie Pumpkin


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