Photo by Melody

Trading Lists: Items available from joelschopp

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Plant NameCultivarTypeThumbnail
Lonicera Species
Lonicera caprifolium

I've got a few gallon pots. I love this stuff, it grows fast and climbs a trellis really well. The smell is wonderful. However, if you live by a creekbed, nature preserve, or other sensative area you want to avoid this because it will spread out and be invasive. But if you are looking to cover a chain link fence or put a nice green wall on a trellis this is great.
Salvia Species
Rosmarinus officinalis

Upright Rosemary, grows to a bush about 3 feet high and 4 ft wide here in Austin. Neglect tolerant, does well in heat and drought. Will grow faster with a little water, and probably should be watered 1-2x a week for a few months while getting established after planting in the ground. I usually have a few 1 gallon pots with some cuttings that rooted well.
Plants, Cuttings


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