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Trading Lists: Items available from greenthumb0_7

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Plant NameCultivarTypeThumbnail

Chimera - 10 species, species list by request
Seeds, Plants, Roots, Tubers and Bulbs, Cuttings

Chlorophytum green
Seeds, Plants, Roots, Tubers and Bulbs, Cuttings

Chlorophytum varigated
Seeds, Plants, Roots, Tubers and Bulbs, Cuttings
Christia Species
Christia obcordata
Seeds, Plants, Roots, Tubers and Bulbs, Cuttings

Christia Subcordata
Seeds, Plants, Roots, Tubers and Bulbs, Cuttings
Sphaeropteris Species
Seeds, Plants, Roots, Tubers and Bulbs, Cuttings

Cissus Disdar
Seeds, Plants, Roots, Tubers and Bulbs, Cuttings

Cistus ladanifer
Seeds, Plants, Roots, Tubers and Bulbs, Cuttings
Fiddlewood Tree
Seeds, Plants, Roots, Tubers and Bulbs, Cuttings

Clerodendron phillipinum, speciosus and var. Musical note
Seeds, Plants, Roots, Tubers and Bulbs, Cuttings

Clitoria Ternata
Seeds, Plants, Roots, Tubers and Bulbs, Cuttings
Clivia Species
Clivia Miniata
Seeds, Plants, Roots, Tubers and Bulbs, Cuttings

Clusia Major
Seeds, Plants, Roots, Tubers and Bulbs, Cuttings
Clusia Species
Clusia Rosea
Seeds, Plants, Roots, Tubers and Bulbs, Cuttings

Seeds, Plants, Roots, Tubers and Bulbs, Cuttings

Codinanthe- 3 species
Seeds, Plants, Roots, Tubers and Bulbs, Cuttings

'Sunset' Seeds, Plants, Roots, Tubers and Bulbs, Cuttings

Codonanthe Devoniana
Seeds, Plants, Roots, Tubers and Bulbs, Cuttings
Codonanthe Digna
Seeds, Plants, Roots, Tubers and Bulbs, Cuttings

Coleus species
Seeds, Plants, Roots, Tubers and Bulbs, Cuttings
Colocasia Species
Colocasia Gigantea
Seeds, Plants, Roots, Tubers and Bulbs, Cuttings

'Orange Sherbert' Seeds, Plants, Roots, Tubers and Bulbs, Cuttings

Colum Campfire
Seeds, Plants, Roots, Tubers and Bulbs, Cuttings

'Bartley' Seeds, Plants, Roots, Tubers and Bulbs, Cuttings

'Birds in Flight' Seeds, Plants, Roots, Tubers and Bulbs, Cuttings

'Carnival' Seeds, Plants, Roots, Tubers and Bulbs, Cuttings

Columnea - 5 unnamed species
Seeds, Plants, Roots, Tubers and Bulbs, Cuttings

Seeds, Plants, Roots, Tubers and Bulbs, Cuttings

Colysis wrightii monstrifera
Seeds, Plants, Roots, Tubers and Bulbs, Cuttings

Combretum Aublettii
Seeds, Plants, Roots, Tubers and Bulbs, Cuttings

Costus Barbotus
Seeds, Plants, Roots, Tubers and Bulbs, Cuttings

Costus species
'variegata' Seeds, Plants, Roots, Tubers and Bulbs, Cuttings

Seeds, Plants, Roots, Tubers and Bulbs, Cuttings

Cycas Revolota
Seeds, Plants, Roots, Tubers and Bulbs, Cuttings

Cyclamen Parsicum
Seeds, Plants, Roots, Tubers and Bulbs, Cuttings
Dicksonia Species
Seeds, Plants, Roots, Tubers and Bulbs, Cuttings

Seeds, Plants, Roots, Tubers and Bulbs, Cuttings
Dermatobotrys Saundersii
Seeds, Plants, Roots, Tubers and Bulbs, Cuttings

Dichrostachys Cinareria
Seeds, Plants, Roots, Tubers and Bulbs, Cuttings
Yeatesia Species
Seeds, Plants, Roots, Tubers and Bulbs, Cuttings

Dicliptera sp


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