Photo by Melody

Trading Lists: Items available from cb_bumblebee

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Plant NameCultivarTypeThumbnail
Centaurea cyanus

I'm planting seeds for a Black Ball Bachelor's buttons. They look dark burgundy. I don't have any to share right now, maybe later.
'Black Ball' Seeds
Dimorphotheca Species
Dimorphotheca sinuata

Planting seeds for the african daisy, don't have any for trade at this time.
Kerria japonica

If interested I can get a cutting started so it will have roots.
'Pleniflora' Cuttings
Hyacinth Bean
Lablab purpureus

I planted these seeds, don't have any seeds to share until after this plant seeds.
'Ruby Moon (mine looks like the ruby moon, not sure though)' Seeds


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