Photo by Melody

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Plant NameCultivarTypeThumbnail
Alcea rosea var. nigra

Does get rust, and the JB have parties on the big leaves. Does better in the front with rust.
Seeds, Plants
Beta vulgaris var. cicla
'Bright Lights' Plants
Capsicum annuum
'Black Pearl' Plants
Cucumis sativus

fast to sprout, and produce cukes.
'Marketmore 76' Seeds, Plants
Helianthus annuus

Out of 13 Burpee Signature seeds only 6 popped up after sowing in the amended area. The packaging states to thin them 12-18 inches apart, but I would suggest more because I have two growing side-by-side, and they are mammoth in size so-far. I will get a picture of this up here soon because I was wanting to see this one.
'Apricot Twist' Plants
Helianthus annuus

foliage is green with red veins
'Red Sun' Plants
Helianthus annuus

foliage is green with red veins
'Red Sun' Seeds, Plants
Ipomoea purpurea

gathered these growing wild in the yard
'Star of Yelta' Seeds, Plants
Senecio bicolor subsp. cineraria

Always pretty day or night, and it wintered well.
'Silver Dust' Plants
Tradescantia pallida

Have to bring indoors during the cold season, or it will die.
'Purewell Giant' Plants
Sweet Corn (Se)
Zea mays

Almost all the seeds sprouted from direct sowing. Unfortunately I lost a couple due to lack of moisture.
'Early & Often' Seeds, Plants


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