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Trading Lists: Items available from RareFruit2909

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Plant NameCultivarTypeThumbnail

Solanum lycopersicum
'Delicious' Seeds

Solanum lycopersicum
'Giant Belgium Pink' Seeds

Solanum lycopersicum
'Green Sausage' Seeds

Solanum lycopersicum
'House' Seeds

Solanum lycopersicum
'Hubal' Seeds

Solanum lycopersicum
'Indigo Rose' Seeds

Solanum lycopersicum
'Italian Heirloom' Seeds

Solanum lycopersicum
'Japanese Trifele Black' Seeds

Solanum lycopersicum
'Korol Sibiri' Seeds

Solanum lycopersicum
'Lyana' Seeds

Solanum lycopersicum
'Maliniak' Seeds

Solanum lycopersicum
The original seed was imported by Debbie Premus in 1991, saved from an especially good-tasting, blemish-free tomato purchased at a Moscow, Russia open air market. Plants are compact for an indeterminate type, approximately 2-3 ft tall, and require a sturdy cage to accommodate the weight of the fruits. Round red fruits are 3 - 3.5 inches in diameter, relatively uniform in appearance, and resist cracking with an excellent old-fashioned "tomato" flavor. Although yields may vary with different regional growing conditions, two plants grown together in a single cage in bush configuration (without pruning) have yielded over 100 fruits in Southwest Ohio producing well until frost. This variety may be worth a trial for organic growers as it seems to produce good yields with minimal care and may have some resistance to blight.
'Moscow Market' Seeds

Solanum lycopersicum
'Ondraszek' Seeds

Solanum lycopersicum
'Paul Robeson' Seeds

Solanum lycopersicum
'Persimmon' Seeds

Solanum lycopersicum
'Pertsevidnyi Zheltyi ' Seeds

Solanum lycopersicum
'Pink Berkeley Tie Die' Seeds

Solanum lycopersicum
'Pink Ping Pong' Seeds

Solanum lycopersicum
'Plomien' Seeds

Solanum lycopersicum
'Principe Borghese' Seeds

Solanum lycopersicum
'Purple Calabash' Seeds

Solanum lycopersicum
'Rosella Purple' Seeds

Solanum lycopersicum
'Sanka' Seeds

Solanum lycopersicum
Possibly a Russian garden-to-garden strain of the old French heirloom, "St. Pierre," known for its tolerance of cool weather. The original seeds were a gift of friendship and peace, given to Debbie Premus, biologist and hobby gardener, in Moscow in 1991. They were from Irina Bagmout and son, Valery, friends who graciously allowed the opportunity to visit their country at a time when it wasn't easily accessible to Western tourists. Irina was originally from the Russian town of Bryansk where she grew these seeds annually in her dacha garden for many years. The name handwritten name on the original envelope transliterates to "Sen Pier." Plants are regular leaf, moderately sized, roughly 3.5 ft tall, and produce a heavy crop of round, red fruit approximately 3.5" in diameter. This mid-season variety has a nice, old-fashioned "tomato" flavor and is an excellent slicer. Sen Pier has been a reliable, excellent producer in Southwest Ohio.
'Sen Pier' Seeds

Solanum lycopersicum
'Speckled Roman' Seeds

Solanum lycopersicum
'Subarctic Plenty' Seeds

Solanum lycopersicum
Dwarf, compact plants to 1.5 ft tall with a stout stem and rugose, regular-leaf foilage. Determinate, but produces a large quantity of bright red, 2" fruits over an extended period. Flesh is firm until fully ripe and fruits are excellent in salads or for making a delectable tomato sauce. Fruits hold well on the bush or up to 2 weeks after picking with a very good "tomato" flavor for an ultra early type. The original seeds were a gift of friendship and peace, given to Debbie Premus, biologist and hobby gardener, in Moscow in 1992 while attending the Pushkin's Institute of Russian Language. They were from Dr. Tatiana Mikhaevich, a Leningrad Biologist interested in the study of bryozoans who initially made contact with one of Debbie's college professors who was considered an expert in this area. Unfortunately, an original name wasn't given, but this variety was described by Dr. Tatiana Mikhaevich as being specially bred for balcony growing and gardening in compact spaces. It's ideal for an urban or container gardener, but can also be field grown for an early crop and has potential to extend the tomato season via greenhouse plantings or sub-terrainian covered rows due to its compact size and ability to set fruit in cool weather.
'Tatiana's Russian Patio' Seeds

Solanum lycopersicum
'Tigerella' Seeds

Solanum lycopersicum
'Wherokowhai' Seeds

Solanum lycopersicum
'Yefemer' Seeds
Sweet Corn
Zea mays
'Blue Jade' Seeds


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