Photo by Melody

Trading Lists: Items available from Poppyseed91

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Plant NameCultivarTypeThumbnail

Echinopsis Sebdenudata
Echinopsis sebdenudata “Dominoes”
Small offset from parent , thornless cactus
With white flowers in summer
Plants Image

Gloxinia Lindeniana
A beautiful little houseplant with bright white veins and dark colored leaves and purple white flowers, related to the showy common gloxinias. I have a few cuttings and can propagate more
Plants, Cuttings
Gynura Species
Gynura Aurantiaca

purple Passion plant

Attractive purple velvety leaves on vigorous growth houseplant
Plants, Cuttings Image

saintpaulia Ionantha
Frosty Cherry (Moroznaia Vishnia) (K. Morev) White, double stars, with crimson mottling. Tailored foliage. Standard.
'Frost cherry' Plants, Cuttings

Schlumbergera truncata
Schlumbergera x truncata

Plants, Cuttings

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