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Trading Lists: Items available from MountainGuardia

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Plant NameCultivarTypeThumbnail

Crassula Crassulaceae
I traded a large aloe years ago to a friend that had a 6ft jade tree he had inherited from an elderly woman. He gave me three small jade trees in a 6 inch pot in trade. Those three trees are around 3.5 feet tall now and have produced more jade cuttings and plants than I could even count, my house is full of jade trees, I have at least 150 to 200 individual plants. Many of these cutting plants are themselves at more than 2 feet tall these days themselves. It is really cool how easy it is to propogate these guys, but I eventually need to find something to do with these things.
Plants, Cuttings

Albuca Albuca bracteata
I have a number of pregnant onion bulbs, some as much as 3 to 4 inches in diameter, the leaves can be up to 4 to 6 feet in length. If anyone is ever interested in getting started in pregnant onions I would be willing to trade some out.
Plants, Roots, Tubers and Bulbs

Aloe A. ferox
My wife was bugging me to get an aloe plant for a year or two and for our anniversary I bought a cute little six inch aloe in a pretty pot. That was 12 years ago, as it turns out this is a bitter tree aloe and they get big, I mean really big...... Our mother plant is laying on it's side so it isn't hugely tall but if it were standing full up it would be around five feet or so. With the plant laying on it's side it is constantly producing baby aloes along the stem laying in the soil generally around 10 to 15 per batch. I let the babies grow to around 16 to 18 inches tall and then I transplant to containers. Many of the babies that have been seperated off from the mother are now in the 4 ft tall range and having many babies of their own now. We are producing around 100 baby aloes a year now minimum and I am running out of places to put them. We have been giving them away for years now, but most everyone we know already has an aloe or two or three from us. These aloes are prolific, hard to kill, immune to cats (very bitter taste), and seem to be able to survive just about anything. They do as I pointed out get quite large, the size is handy though, many of the leafs I cut off are 5 inches wide and a full 1 inch thick full of juice, I use this on my psoriasis. If anyone ever wants some, I have a rather large supply of these.
Plants, Roots, Tubers and Bulbs

Kalanchoe No idea
I recieved some Kalonchoe from a woman who had no idea what it was and could not get it to grow. I recieved three little 2 or 3 inch tall plants that were almost bron in color. After a year of care they were still about the same size and still not looking well. I finally transplanted them into a large planter with rich soil and soon they grew, they gre quite well in fact. I had a cat get into the house and broke off much of the new growth and I replanted the broken pieces and wowwww.... The pieces that broke off grew like mad compared to the original plants. I now have many hundreds of these plants, they flower with big bunches of bright orange colored flowers from about January to well into the summer. These plants propogate insanely fast, even a fallen leaf can sprout a new plant, anything you cut off will grow a new plant and the roots will sprout new plants. When I trim the plants back I replant all cuttings, I seperate leafs and set them on a wndow sill out of direct light and about 5 % of them will sprout roots and grow a new plant from the leaf like a jade tree will. I live in north Idaho and by January I am a bit tired of the heavy snow and jonesing for spring, these flowers make my winter more bearable. My house is currently full of bright orange flowers, along with what is left of the flowering cactus flowers, the newly blooming pregnant onion flowers, the jade tree flowers and the geraniums in the house, it is almost as good as spring being here.... If anyone were to need any kalonchoe, I could be convinced to part with some...
Plants, Cuttings

Schlumbergera Christmas cactus, there are six species but I cannot find out which this would be
I was at a neighbors house summer before last watering his yard and what not while he was on vacation. The kids and I noticed a rather large christmas cactus planted outside in the direct sun. It looked basically dead but was a magnificent plant. He offered the plant to us and I brought it home and broght it back to health. This plant is about 2 feet all and and about 2 feet wide, I took a lot of cuttings when we first got it to get rid of damaged looking parts of the plant. It has grown well since then and we have produced dozens and dozens of new plants from the cuttings. This grows the bright red flowers, I also have a plant my son bought at Walmart that flowers a more purple colored flower. Most of my cuttings are the red flower, I have a few of the purple. I love the way the you can grow a new plant off of basically every piece of this plant for some reason that always amazes me... I could potentially trade some of these, I have none that are particularly big, other than the main plant which I would never part with.
Plants, Cuttings


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