Photo by Melody

Trading Lists: Items available from Lejanias1

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Plant NameCultivarTypeThumbnail
Asclepias Species
Asclepias incarnata

I'm new to this site, but do have quite a few seeds I have collected that I am willing to share with people who can send me SASE.

I am willing to trade for native North American plants, as well - I'll add to my "want" list soon.

This posting: swamp milkweed.
Chelone Species
chelone glabra

Have turtlehead seed for SASE or trade.
Helenium Species
Helenium Autumnale

Have Helenium/Sneezeweed seeds available to anyone with SASE, or for trade for other native North American plant species.
Smooth Carrion
SMILAX herbacea

I have carrion flower seeds collected and depulped. I'm new to this site, and so am just learning the ropes, but am willing to send seeds to anyone with a SASE. I'm willing to trade, too, for various native North American plant species. I'll add to my "want" list soon.
Seeds Image


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