Photo by Melody

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Plant NameCultivarTypeThumbnail
Cucurbita pepo

This batch of Jack-O-Lite pumpkin was grown in my 2011 organic backyard garden. No pesticides or herbicides were used in my garden. No other C. pepo were grown in my garden so to help prevent cross-breeding. Open-pollinated. Seed originates from 'Seeds of Change' with a "USDA Organic" seal on their package. Had a high yield of 5-15 lb fruits. Great for carving, breads and made a nice soup too!
'Jack-O-Lite' Seeds
Echinacea Species
Echinacea purpurea

Grown without pesticides or herbicides in my 2011 backyard garden. Seed originates from 'Seeds of Change' with the 'USDA Organic' seal. Great for attracting bees. Medicinal.
Ipomoea Species

These morning glories were grown without pesticides or herbicides in my 2011 backyard garden. Seed originates from a friends yard in which I collected seed back in 2003. Grown without pesticides or herbicides each year since. Though the true species & cultivar is unknown, I call them "Donna's Morning Glory" since they originated from her yard. Beautiful and vigorous climbing vines with heart shaped leaves and an abundance of 4” dark blue and/or purple flowers with cream and/or yellow centers.
Nepeta Species
Nepeta cataria

Grown without pesticides or herbicides in my 2011 backyard garden. Seed originates from 'Seeds of Change' with the 'USDA Organic' seal and was labeled as "Heirloom" though no cultivar was printed on the package. Medicinal. Great plant for attracting bees and your cats will go crazy over it too!
Seeds Image

Phaseolus vulgaris
This batch of heirloom pole beans were grown in my 2011 organic backyard garden. Seed originates from 'Baker Creek'. No pesticides or herbicides were used during cultivation. High Yields. Did extremely well in my 3 Sisters garden climbing that very tall corn! Tasty when picked young and used as snap bean. Great sauteed with onions and a bit of garlic! Allow to mature and dry on plant for seed or for use as a black bean. Limited amount of seed on hand due to eating most of the crop. Wish I planted more, but will be planting again in 2012. I love this bean!
'Cherokee Trail of Tears' Seeds Image
Sweet Corn
Zea mays

This batch of Stowell's Evergreen heirloom corn was grown in my 2011 organic backyard garden. Seed originates from non-GMO (tested) seed from Baker Creek. No pesticides or herbicides were used. No other type of corn was grown in my garden so to help prevent cross-breeding. Hand pollinated ASAP to prevent wind pollination from neighboring yards. Entire crop was 50 or less plants. Let most 'go to seed' to help preserve non-GMO seed for future generations. Was slightly sweet and very "corny" like I remember from childhood. We ate them raw right in the garden. Yumm!
'Stowell's Evergreen' Seeds

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