Photo by Melody

Trading Lists: Items available from Foofsmom

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Plant NameCultivarTypeThumbnail

Alcea rosea
seeds available. Seem to grow quite well.
'Fordhook' Seeds Image

Aquilegia vulgaris
I have seeds available. I live in Washington State and will gladly share. I have plant starts too but I'm unfamiliar on how to ship them.

''Magpie'' Seeds Image

Aquilegia vulgaris
I have seeds available . I put the extra's in my freezer after I was done planting so they stayed fresh. Please do send a SASE as stamps are rare around here LOL. All seeds spoken for 2014
'Alpine' Seeds Image

Centaurea C. cyanus
Have seeds to share
'Blue Boy' Seeds
Pink Persian Cornflower
Centaurea dealbata

Seeds and Plants to share.
'Rosea' Seeds, Plants Image

Delphinium grandiflorum
This particular one is either Blue Butterfly or Summer Cloud. Have lots of seeds and also have plants to share.
'Blue Butterfly' Plants Image

Epipactis helleborine
This variety is the white with little purple insides. I have plants now and hopefully seeds when it is done flowering
'orchid' Plants Image

Helichrysum Strawflower
Mixed color seeds.
'Mixed color Strawflower' Seeds Image

Leucojum Aestivum Giant Snowdrops
I have 2 bulbs left.
'Snowdrops (giants)' Roots, Tubers and Bulbs Image

Nectaroscordum siculum Meditteranean Bells
1 bulb left.
'Mediterranean Bells' Roots, Tubers and Bulbs Image
Nigella damascena

These were handed down from my MIL many many years ago. They grow EXCEEDINGLY well. They self seed . I have mine growing in a box as they WILL take over your garden. They start out blooming white then as the days go on they change to a purple.
'Persian Jewels' Seeds Image

Physalis alkekengi
Sees to share. Please send SASE and I will gladly share. All my seeds live in the freezer to stay fresh. Just leave seeds you are wishing to plant out in room temperature air for a few days before planting.
'Chinese Lantern' Seeds Image

Poppy Red Poppy
Just seeds . No plants
'Red poppy' Seeds Image

Snow Glories Pink Giants
These are Early Snow Glories (Pink Giants) and there are 6 bulbs left.
'Pink Giants' Roots, Tubers and Bulbs

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