Photo by Melody

Trading Lists: Items available from Danny112596

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Plant NameCultivarTypeThumbnail
Vasey's Wild Lime
Adelia vaseyi

2016 - Currently a small tree, I can take cuttings and try to root them upon request.
Aristolochia Species
Aristolochia fimbriata

2016 - Will harvest seeds upon request when available.
Asclepias Species
Asclepias curassavica

(2010) I have many plants that survived the drought of 2009 and the freezes that came with it in the winter. The red petals on this plant are more into the red-orange color compared to the "Silky Deep Red" cultivar. It also has a lighter green foliage than the "Silky Deep Red" and is a shorter species with thinner and shorter leaves compared to the "Silky" versions.
Seeds, Plants, Roots, Tubers and Bulbs, Cuttings
Asclepias curassavica

(2010) This plant is very easy to grow and can survive droughts and freezes (down to the high 20s) This plant has darker green foliage than the regular form of this plant and grows taller with longer and wider leaves.
'Silky Deep Red' Seeds, Plants, Roots, Tubers and Bulbs, Cuttings
Asclepias curassavica
'Silky Formula Mix' Seeds, Plants, Roots, Tubers and Bulbs, Cuttings
Asclepias curassavica

(2010) This plant is very easy to grow. The flowers on this plant goldish, but not pure yellow like the "Apollo Yellow" cultivar form of this plant.
'Silky Gold' Seeds, Plants, Roots, Tubers and Bulbs, Cuttings
Asclepias curassavica

This plant grows taller than the regular form of this plant with wider and longer leaves. The flowers are also a bit bigger than the regular form and are scarlet hence it's name. The flowers are also lighter red compared to the Silky Deep Red which has almost red flowers (petals).
'Silky Scarlet' Seeds, Plants, Roots, Tubers and Bulbs, Cuttings Image
Asclepias Species
Asclepias oenotheroides

2016 - I have a few seeds for select special trades only.
Buddleja davidii var. nanhoensis

2016 - Can take cuttings upon request.
'Nanho Blue' Cuttings
Buddleja davidii var. nanhoensis

2016 - Can take cuttings upon request.
'Nanho Purple' Cuttings

Caesalpinia lutea

2016 - Can harvest seeds when available, take cuttings upon request, and dig up seedlings when available.
Seeds, Plants, Cuttings
Caesalpinia Species
Caesalpinia pulcherrima

I can harvest seed pods upon request.
Calotropis Species
Calotropis gigantea

2016 - Can take and root cuttings upon request. Takes approximately 2-3 weeks to get a small root system going.
Catharanthus roseus

2016 - Can collect seeds upon request when available.
Catharanthus roseus

2016 - Can collect seeds upon request when available.
'Cooler Apricot' Seeds
Catharanthus roseus

2016 - Can collect seeds upon request when available.
'Little Pinkie' Seeds
Catharanthus roseus

2016 - Can collect seeds upon request when available.
'Pacifica Blush' Seeds
Catharanthus roseus

2016 - Can collect seeds upon request when available.
'Pacifica Polka Dot' Seeds
Centratherum Species
Centratherum intermedium

2016 - Will harvest seeds upon request or dig up seedlings when available.
Seeds, Plants

2016 - Not sure if this is the exact variety, but I have red Mum plants; will harvest seed upon request.
'Camina' Seeds

Will2016 - Not sure if this is the exact variety, but I have orange Mum plants; will harvest seed upon request.
'Padre Orange' Seeds

Chrysanthemum x morifolium
2016 - Not sure if this is the exact variety, but I have purple Mum plants; will harvest seed upon request.
'Cool Igloo' Seeds
Citrus Hybrid
Citrus aurantiifolia
Citrus x meyeri
'Meyer' Seeds
Cordia Species
Cordia boissieri

2016 - Will harvest seeds upon request when available from neighborhood tree.
Coreopsis grandiflora

2016 - Evergreen in my zone; can take cuttings, root them, dig rhizomes, or harvest seed upon request when available.
'Golden Sphere' Seeds, Plants, Roots, Tubers and Bulbs, Cuttings
Cuphea Species
Cuphea hyssopifolia

2016 - Can take cuttings (and root as a plant) upon request.
Plants, Cuttings
Delphinium elatum

2016 - Can collect seeds upon request when available.
'Aurora Blue' Seeds
Delphinium grandiflorum

2016 - Can collect seeds upon request when available.
'Butterfly Blue' Seeds
Duranta Species
Duranta erecta
'Sweet Memories' Seeds
Echinacea purpurea

2016 - Will harvest seed upon request when available.
'Bravado' Seeds
Euryops Species
Euryops pectinatus

2016 - Shrub Daisy - Will harvest seed upon request when available.
Fragaria x ananassa

2016 - Will harvest seed from fruit when available or dig up rooted runners.
'Florida Radiance' Seeds, Plants, Roots, Tubers and Bulbs
Glandularia Species
Glandularia pulchella

2016 - Can take rooted cuttings upon request. The plant spreads and sends out roots wherever the creeping stems touch the ground.
Plants, Cuttings
Gomphrena globosa

2016 - Can harvest seeds upon request when available.
'Fireworks' Seeds
Jatropha Species
Jatropha integerrima

2016 - Will harvest seeds upon request.
Desert Lantana
Lantana achyranthifolia
Seeds, Cuttings
Weeping Lantana
Lantana montevidensis

2016 - Not sure if this is the exact variety, but the plant I have is a purple trailing lantana. Will take cuttings upon request.
'Loneweep' Cuttings
Leucanthemum x superbum

2016 - Will harvest seeds upon request. Leaves are shorter and wider than the usual Shasta Daisy; probably a specific cultivar.
Leucanthemum x superbum

2016 - Can collect seeds upon request when available.
'Laspider' Seeds
Malus x domestica
'Dorsett Golden' Cuttings


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