Photo by Melody

Trading Lists: Items available from Crasulady2

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Plant NameCultivarTypeThumbnail

Crassulaceae (Crassula) C. tetragona
easy small tree to 2.5 ft. likes sun but will tolerate shade , short green leaves turn up, and it will have a cream color flower at the tip. Makes a good short hedge. Norma
'variety, robusta' Plants

Gasteria hybrids and 22 species
Seeds available, you pay the postage
'over 200' Seeds, Plants, Cuttings

Glottiphyllum linguiforme
species, have irresdent fushia.
'species' Cuttings
X Gasteraloe

It offsets, I have never tried it from a leaf pulled off at the base, and it may not offset true to hybrid. I don[t know if the seed will offset true to form. I use offsets only directly from the plant. It does not have stolens, I have never seen it divide by roots (planlets coming up from the base. cuttings maybe. Norma
'"Green Ice'' Seeds Image


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