Photo by Melody
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Trading Lists: Items available from Bullock903

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Plant NameCultivarTypeThumbnail

Crocosmia Lucifer
Roots, Tubers and Bulbs

Dicentra Eximia Fernleaf Bleeding Hearts Fernleaf (Pink)
Roots, Tubers and Bulbs Image

Nicotiana Unknown
I have a Periannual Nicotina I got from a Growers plant sale in my area. It is tri-colored white,pink,burgundy. It gets really BIG if not trimmed back 3-5 ft tall and 3ft wide. It handles frost well and here in Central CA blooms pretty much all yr long.
Seeds, Plants

Pelargonium Geraniums Scented Various Scents
I have several types of scented Geraniums. They are of various flower & leaf texture & color. Some example are: VillageOak, Lime and others.

Rose Seven Sisters
This bush is over 100 yrs old. Interesting story was removed from a Great x 2 ancestor gravesite due to landscaping rules changes. These relatives wete in a family of Seven Sister so name quite appropriate. Originally in WI so takes freeze well. Taken to Central coast CA. There were 3 plants this'd the last. Didn't do well in FL.
'Family Rose' Cuttings

Unknown Nicotina Periannual
This is a tri-colored Periannual pink,white,maroon.
Nicotina. It will get Very large 2-3 ft wide by 4-5 ft tall. It was gotten from a Growers Plant sale. So don't know anymore info. Handles hard freeze.
Seeds, Cuttings


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