Photo by Melody
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Trading Lists: Items available from Boppo

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Plant NameCultivarTypeThumbnail

Chlorphytum comosum
I have both green and white stripe and some all green. Can send Cuttings "babies" or rooted plants. These are houseplants, though they like summer weather outdoors here in Massachusetts.
'Spider plant, airplane plant' Cuttings

Gaillardia pulchella
seeds from plants I grew in 2020.
'species' Seeds

Nepeta racemosa
I divide my existing plants periodically and generate some new plants that I can offer. These are only available April - November.
'Walkers Low' Plants

Rubus occidentalis
Available April through November
'species, pretty sure' Roots, Tubers and Bulbs

Tagetes patula
I grew these myself. I am fairly confident that the seeds will breed true, but I have other marigolds which may have contributed pollen sometimes. Cottage Red is a huge plant, about 4 or 5 feet, but it grows wonderfully draping over the edge of a wall or large pot. LOTS of red marigold flowers all season, and continues without deadheading. Much loved by bees of all kinds, butterflies, as well as people.
'Cottage Red' Seeds


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