Photo by Melody

Trading Lists: Items available from AnJo11

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Plant NameCultivarTypeThumbnail

Aaaa Aaaaaaa
have list updated 18:08:18 at 18h18....;)

Many species are no longer or very little present, because the last very very dry summers ...most have been removed except those likely to reappear as has happened before ...but the selection of resistant species for my frying pan is my goal ...

IMPORTANT: I have now an updated seed list already harvested, and one of young plants in multiplication available in my garden diary...

This list is an inventory of introduced or spontaneous plants growing on my own land and its surroundings, and in the gardens of friends where I have permanent access ...
Most of these plants are possible, but generally not available in a row.
For the international sendings, the most economic, and most in compliance with the diverse rules rest the sending of samples of seeds.

The botany is my passion, not my profession!!!
The collection, the storage, the marking of seeds of hundreds of species is a real work. There are professionals who live on it and make that very well, and I support them.
I can collect on request seeds, plants, roots, bulbs or cuttings when it is the season, BUT we have to plan it in advance...
Thus do not hesitate to contact me some months in advance, any e-mail will have an answer.
Sometimes, it take time for the requested plants and for shipments , but ends up happening if one is patient ...
The gardening is made with time as much as tools...
good gardening!

'Aaaaaaa' Seeds, Plants, Roots, Tubers and Bulbs, Cuttings
Abelia x grandiflora
Plants, Cuttings
Abies Species
Abies pinsapo

waiting for 2018 seeds...
Seeds, Plants
Callianthe Species
Abutilon megapotamicum

hardy to Z8_, Z7 if well exposed and winter protected
Plants, Cuttings
Bear's Breeches
Acanthus hungaricus

only one young plant...
Acanthus Species
Acanthus mollis (acanthaceae)
Seeds, Plants, Roots, Tubers and Bulbs

Acanthus probably hybrid
slow grower in comparaison to A. mollis.
In the trade for years as Acanthus spinosus, but it's not...
It appears perfectly intermediate between Acanthus hungaricus and Acanthus spinosus and is probably a hybrid.
Plants, Roots, Tubers and Bulbs
Acanthus Species
Acanthus spinosus

NAFTY. seems to have disappeared ...
Seeds, Plants, Roots, Tubers and Bulbs
Hedge Maple
Acer campestre
Seeds, Plants
Montpelier Maple
Acer monspessulanum
Seeds, Plants
Italian Maple
Acer opalus
Acer Species
Acer platanoides
Seeds, Plants
Acer Species
Acer pseudoplatanus
Achillea Species
Achillea clavennae
Plants, Cuttings
Achillea Species
Achillea filipendulina
Seeds, Plants
Achillea Species
Achillea millefolium
Achillea Species
Achillea millefolium var. occidentalis
Plants, Roots, Tubers and Bulbs
Achillea Species
Achillea nobilis
Seeds, Plants, Roots, Tubers and Bulbs
Achillea Species
Achillea ptarmica
Achillea Species
Achillea tomentosa

ACHILLEA odorata ACHILLEA odorata
small achillea, carpet, 15 cm high, fine foliage, gray green and downy, white flowering, resistant to occasional trampling, drought tolerant, hardy toZ6
Acis Species
Acis autumnalis
Aesculus Species
Aesculus hippocastanum

seeds available in fall
Agapanthus Species
Agapanthus africanus
Agapanthus Species
Agapanthus campanulatus
'white' Seeds, Roots, Tubers and Bulbs
Agastache foeniculum

self seedlig freely in many pots of other plants, but quite not in the ground...
I grow it like an annual or bisannual, not so hardy (in my area) like said...
for me, it seems to be hardy to more or less -12°C
very attractive to insects
'Golden Jubilee' Seeds, Plants
'Marginata' Plants, Cuttings
'Sharkskin' Plants, Cuttings

agave agave lophanta

agave agaveX glomerulata
Agave Species
Agave americana
Plants, Cuttings
Agave Species
Agave americana var. medio-picta

very few this year
Plants, Cuttings
Agave Species
Agave bracteosa
Agave gentryi
'Jaws' Plants
Agave Species
Agave havardiana

Agave havardiana
' standard form, and some subspecies: "davis mountains", etc...''' Plants
Agave Species
Agave lechuguilla
Agave Species
Agave montana

. green form.
some offsets available
Agave Species
Agave ocahui

no more available for this year.
young seedlings coming soon...
Agave Species
Agave ovatifolia

only two plants, one really grey, the other more green...
NAFTY of course
Agave Species
Agave palmeri
Plants, Cuttings


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