Miss Bateman

Appleton, WI

Miss Bateman is currently languishing underneath the honeysuckle. She gave one weak little bloom this year. I want to move her, but if I dig a large hole, to properly remove the clematis, I could cause a lot of damage to the honeysuckle's roots. If I dig a smaller hole to get most of the crown, I might kill the clematis.

Has anyone tried to remove a clematis that is tangled up in the roots of a shrub? I was thinking that maybe the safest solution would be to air layer the clematis and leave the mother plant in place.

Delaware, OH

Has miss bateman ever performed well for you? I find it to almost be a bi annual in weak year, weaker year rotation. it has never performed well for me.
I would say move it, the root may not be as large as you think. layering is a one to two year process to get a viable plant that can be cut free from the mother.
would be interested to knowhow old it is, how it has performed in past and, if you do move it, how large the root is.

Appleton, WI

Miss Bateman only performed well the first year I bought it. I it will have been planted in that spot for 3 years this fall. It produced a lot of shoots after it was planted, but the growth has been weak. Maybe honeysuckle roots are too invasive?

Delaware, OH

it is a weak clem. weak stems, weak consititution. not vigorous. clems can stand up to most competition. sometime when i think of it i will order or buy another one, site it better myself and see how if performs.....if anyone has a god performing miss bateman, please contradict me.
i have two, but both bought same place same time and similar site.

Kenmore, NY(Zone 6a)

I have a Miss Bateman that seems to do OK one year, and not the next. This year, same as last, it had what the nursery called "clematis wilt". While I was watching it, 2 of the vines just up & died, overnight. I cut them off at the base. I fully expected it to die right off, but since then it's been fine. Then it bloomed about a dozen flowers that were beautiful. Of course, the 2 vines that died had the majority of buds on them, so I was heartbroken. It is a toughie, though.

Appleton, WI

It's too bad - the blooms are stunning, and it was suppose to bloom at the same time as the honeysuckle. I decided to leave it where it is, and use a foliar fertilizer on it and see what happens.

(Zone 4a)

I am sort of glad I never got the Miss Bateman...I considered it in the past but I really don't have room for weak clematises or the patience. It is too bad though. If anyone can bring that Miss Bateman to life it would be you Julia LOL!!!

Delaware, OH

my clones are duds. i may order one from ssv is she has it in stock.mine are purchased locally years ago.

Appleton, WI

I'm typically not very patient when it comes to poor performing plants or ones with bad habits, but I find it hard to be ruthless when it comes to clematis.

Delaware, OH

i left mine in. one is up this year and larger than prior years, but no blooms yet. location to oshady maby but there are 2 niobes and a jackmanii blooming in the same area right ow. i will not take them out, but i do not expect much from them.

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