Searching for pottager

Coffs Harbour, Australia

Hel is moving tomorrow and is looking for pottager to see if she could take the chooks. I have sent pottager a D mail, but if anyone has her personal details, i.e phone number or address, can they D mail me.
Hel says not to worry too much if it doesn't happen. She has someone else in Ballina who can take them, but its the logistics of having to move them. The new owners don't want them. poor chookies! Evicted!
Hel is not connected to the internet at the moment, hence my meddling! he he

Coffs Harbour, Australia

All good, found her and all is well. thanks

Alstonville, Australia

Hi Sue, thank's again for all yor help, they are Bellingen chookies now and are much appreciated.
Would you believe it it's raining in Ballina!!!

Coffs Harbour, Australia

Hi again hel, yes Raining here too! I think you have to move to ViC or SA to stay dry! he he. I've heard it will start to dry in late june and early july, through until October. I'm looking forward to it!

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