Buffalo Leafhoppers aka green stink bugs

Kailua Kona, HI

Does anyone know of an organic method to get rid of Buffalo Leafhoppers (green stink bugs) besides squishing them? I have been having a running battle with them on my tomatoes and eggplant here in Kona, Hawaii. Left unchecked, they spread all over the plant and suck the life out of it, particularly focusing on buds and blossoms. They seem to be "farmed" by ants to some degree, as aphids can be. I thought they were gone after I didn't plant for several months, but they have used their little tiny bug radar and are back.

noonamah, Australia

Try a neem oil based product. It's organic and interferes with the insect's reproductive cycle. Adults aren't killed but rendered infertile. So it may not appear to be effective at first.

Keaau, HI

Make a mixture of 4 ounces mild shampoo to a gallon of water (1 oz per quart / liter) and spray it on the bugs.

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Aloha Konagirl, and welcome.

Instead of Neem I use Murphy's oil soap. I have burnt my plants with the Neem in the past even though I sprayed before the sun came up. I haven't burnt anything with the Murphy's so far....1 TBS per gallon of water.

Interesting that the Neem interferes with bugs reproductive cycle - I thought that it just suffocated them - I think that's how the Murphys works. Good luck - it's hard enough growing tomatoes here!

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