Trail ride campout

Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

We went camping and trailriding Friday and Saturday. We got a late start due to the fact we had to have shoes reset before we could leave. Had Glory trimmed and reset for DH. Had Max trimmed for me and the farrier looked at Godiva and said she would be okay until Monday. We finally got to the campground about 6pm. Set up camp and hitched up the cart. Everybody loved Max. I was lucky to get home with him. Nearly everybody who looked at him asked if he was for sale! When we got up Saturday morning I went out to hay the gang and Godiva had thrown her left hind shoe. GRRR
Knock could only ride her around in the grassy bottom but he had fun. He was very disappointed he didn't get to go over the mountain. I hitched up Max and Knock and I took him for a nearly 3 mile drive. I let Knock drive for a lot of the trip so he wouldn't feel like the weekend was a total bust. We had lots of fun. DH had taken a short ride and come back. Everybody he knew had left earlier and he was either by himself or with strangers so it wasn't as much fun. When DH came back to camp, some good friends of ours had driven up for the day and Warnie was disappointed he would be riding alone. So he and DH rode out on a short ride and had a great time.

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