Tropical vines to cover fence.

I'm looking for some tropical brightly colored vines to cover a lattice fence about 40 foot long. I have several kinds now but have about 30 more foot to go. I can send postage or trade something on my have list. Any one have any to trade?

You want Honeysuckle? Sky Vine( I can send cuttings of both).

Sky vine sounds good. I never saw any. will it be ok in sun?

noonamah, Australia

Allamanda is good. It's drought tolerant and flood tolerant (although not continual waterlogging).

Can you show pictures of the suggestions? I'm not familiar with these? I'm sorry. They do sound good. And I just found a picture of the blue sky vine and that is heavenly> I really want that one , maybe several. Anyone with it, PLEASE d-mail me. I am thinking of putting a frame up and lattice on top and run the sky vine over the top of the lattice over my pond to make some shade for the water plants. OH, my imagination is running wide open. The possibilities!!! Also need vines to cover the lattice fence as well.

This message was edited Jun 7, 2009 9:28 PM

noonamah, Australia

That's the yellow Allamanda. There's other colours but it seems the hardiest as far as I'm aware.

Thumbnail by tropicbreeze

Oh, that is pretty. Do you have some to trade?

noonamah, Australia

Unfortunately your quarantine people might have something to say about that. But there should be lots of it available where you are. I've seen dwarf forms and even variegated ones. Check it out on the plantfiles:

I'll see. Thank you for the help.

Yellow allemanda is very easily found at Lowes etc. and usually for a very fair price. Nice plants for like eight bucks.
The sky vine can get very invasive here but your frost will probably keep it in check. Send me a dmail and we can work out the details.

Orlando, FL

well guess what i have a bunch of allamanda yellow that i just dug up and was going to throw it away but now that i see a friend needs it i may just have to send it that way

YOU have been a busy little beaver, haven't you?Hope you got a big box.

Orlando, FL

can you tell i am feeling better lol

YOU got me going. I'm glad you're feeling better. I think that medicine got you speeded up.

Orlando, FL

no just feeling better, by the way i also am playing all yes alll the word games on here in between so i am giving you a chance to keep up

I appreciate that.

I have this friend, who has a pond, and this beautiful covering over it with the most beautiful vines growing and I want to make one as well. Isn't this beautiful!

Thumbnail by mekos
Orlando, FL

from a friends advice just dont do it alone lol you might crack your head and it did hurt lloll even now i think of it i was in pain awhile so friends give advice DONT DO IT ALONE

Sorry that didn't enlarge. Will try again or my friend could send another here.

Thumbnail by mekos

I think she put that little trip wire around it so someone(probably husband) Would trip and fall in.

Orlando, FL

ahhh isnt that beautiful she even has fish looks like a few gold fish and a couple of butterfly koi

Orlando, FL

yep that was it actually my labs thought it was their bathtub

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