A cold, rainy Saturday

Appleton, WI

Yesterday, wasn't suppose to be cold and rainy; I wanted to spend the day in the garden. There are a few bigger plant moves I need to make and the husband was going to help me. He's good about that kind of stuff. It was our anniversary and we had hoped to spend a sunny, warm day outside.

At one point during the day, when we were talking about the garden I mentioned that I needed some clematis for certain spots, and also mentioned how many I had. The husband was stunned and didn't believe me. He thinks I'm a little obsessed, which I'm not, but I understand why it might seem that way sometimes. Oddly enough, it had stopped raining, and he insisted we go outside so I could count them for him. He was almost speechless that I had inconspicuously fit so many into the garden, and there was still room for more. Almost immediately after the count, it started raining again. Those few rainless minutes outside counting clematis, and his realization that I have a long way to go until there were visually "too many", made up for not being in the garden all day.

(Zone 4a)

Hahahaha love that Julia......he sounds like a keeper! Happy Anniversary - how many years?

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Aww..can you send your rain my way..I agree you have plenty of room for more clematis..we all do..LOL...Jeanne

Appleton, WI

I wish I could send the rain to you and you can have the cold temps too. I'm so cold I just turned on the furnace. June 7th - I can't believe it. I'm going to have to suck it up and work in the garden today, at least for an hour or two. Being trapped indoors is making me crazy.

Dawn, he's pretty good in the garden, but I learned recently that I can't trust him to prune the shrubs. His cut and rip technique isn't so helpful.

W of Cleveland, OH(Zone 5a)

Happy Anniversary, JuliaJayne!!! Yeah, I feel trapped when I can get outside too.

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Happy Anniversary!!...Jeanne

(Zone 4a)

Well my dh certainly isn't a gardener and doesn't enjoy it....last year he weed wacked on of my clematis....boy did he ever get it! He hasn't done it since LOL!!!

Delaware, OH

my hubbie thinks all clems look alike! he can be standing in front of a group that includes a large flowered, a texensis, a vitacella and a species and say "they all look alike"!
oh well, he builds good retaining walls and rockeries!

Troy, NY(Zone 5b)

Happy anniversary and tell him what I tell my DH roses, hydrangea and clematis are still cheaper than shoes.

Delaware, OH

good point bookreader, but as a person with both manolo/prada and clematis addiction, i can only say my hubbie has counted shoes before in amazement, but has never counted clems.......
but gardening does keep one out of some trouble, for that we can all be grateful.....i think it was sharkey who shared her hubbies great comment that he didn't know gardening could be a "contact sport" until she developed the clem addiction!.....

Troy, NY(Zone 5b)

Okay we should really shoe talk as I am wearing Cole Haan's as we speak as my Sunday post dinner relaxing shoes LOL

Appleton, WI

Dawn, I'm not sure my husband would have survived weed whacking a clematis, but we're married to the same lack of enthusiasm for gardening. When we first moved into this house, there was a daylily planted in a spot which was mowable. I wanted to see blooms, but he kept saying he "forgot". Once I moved it and it was able to bloom, I found out it was the agressive ditch lily. Now he loves it and thinks it should stay. (imagine my eyes rolling right now). lol

Appleton, WI

Cg - your retaining wall is beautiful. I thought is was professionally done. Kudos to your hubby.

Appleton, WI

Bookreader, In the past, I had to remind him that I rarely spend money on clothes and shoes like I use to, but instead spend money on making our property more beautiful. I think he is aware of it. sort of.

Appleton, WI

Thanks Jeanne and Dathen!

Delaware, OH

re the retaining wall, we have many but here is the big mama of them all, which we call the turrett.

Thumbnail by ClematisGuru
Appleton, WI

That's amazing.

Delaware, OH

note pile of dirt at bottom. bottom right of the path is just now getting finished off...the turrett is about 8 years old at lest, but two years ago he started ripping up the area to the right of the path to put in eletricity and water adn that has taken forever and a day....ggggrrrrr
but i don't go down there that mush so i just tune it out.....

Appleton, WI

Well, when it does get done, it looks like you'll have room for more clematis.

Delaware, OH

probably evergreens going in...i am not starting any new clem areas this year. i have room in existing gardens to continue to build collection and a new area really adds work compared to moare plants in same gardens! also i never go down there......

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