My trellis and clematis.

Williamstown, NJ(Zone 6b)

My Clems seem to be happy here. The clem on the left is the one I had on my mail box. But had to remove when they were going to be digging up the road and put in water. Of course after I had it all dug up they decided to go on the other side of the road. The one on the right, this is its second year. Not doing too bad.

Thumbnail by marie_kap
Appleton, WI

I'd be happy there too. It's a lovely and inviting spot in your garden.

(Zone 4a)

Wow it looks fantastic!!!! Love your pergola too!

Williamstown, NJ(Zone 6b)

I have a question . I had stepping stones going trrough the trellis. Some one said that it looked too structured. What would you recomend putting there so that the grass does not take over and spread into the flowere bed??

Appleton, WI

I have used steel landscape edging in spots where I don't want the grass to easily encroach into an area. It's painted green and barely noticeable. You could also use black plastic edging, except cut off the rounded part or put it in upside down if you don't like the look of black plastic edging.

As far as the stones looking too structured. Can you take a picture?

Delaware, OH

ow, very nice designs and the clems look wonderful. i love the whole look and feel, and anyway what's wrong with structure? i love stepping stones. put them in gravel or do a border of gravel, dig a trench and fill. that keeps grass back usually...what ever, it is really pretty.
i got home last night after a week in florida and will be outside all day nipping, tucking, lever looping and enjoying it all!

Williamstown, NJ(Zone 6b)

This was the beginning of my new garden last year.

Thumbnail by marie_kap
Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Marie..what a beautiful setting you have created..just stunning and love your clematis...Jeanne

(Lynn) Paris, TX(Zone 7b)

I like the stones, but I guess you could plant some type of creeper around and in between - still probably a good idea to use the edging, though.

W of Cleveland, OH(Zone 5a)

Your garden looks lovely - I wouldn't change a thing!!

(Lynn) Paris, TX(Zone 7b)

Well, having spent yesterday pulling bermuda grass out of my new bed ( which IS edged,) I don't think the edging is a bad idea!

Colleyville, TX(Zone 8a)

So nice and green and love the trellis. Does it go in with stakes or cement?

W of Cleveland, OH(Zone 5a)

Irwells - I didn't mean to suggest that she not use edging - I don't think the edging part of it even crawled into my brain. I was concentrating on the whole picture in general and the stones specifically. Frankly, I always use some type of edging. Sorry, I would never intententially offend anyone.

(Lynn) Paris, TX(Zone 7b)

I wasn't offended. I've just been pulling bermuda for the last two weeks out of this bed. It obviously prefers to grow there in the nice, soft, turned soil rather than the lawn where we want it. I've been avoiding using the round-up, but I may not have a choice.

W of Cleveland, OH(Zone 5a)

I understand - I've been doing the same with wild buttercup. As soon as I get it away from the daylilies, I'm definately going to use round-up. It just multiplies too fast to keep controlled by hand.

Williamstown, NJ(Zone 6b)

Dear hubby put it in cement. He didnt want the high winds we get some time to knock it over, or for the clems to take it over with their weight.I like the idea of the plastic border I have a peice that I had to remove to do the new deck. I can use that just on the inside of the trellis on each side. it might even help to control that purple blooming ground cover that is spreading fast. I keep moving it in the direction that I want it to grow.
Thanks to all for the compliments.

Delaware, OH

i control a lot of ground covers by pulling out handfuls almost daily in different spots on the 2 acres here. it's kind of automatic, like pulling out a weed, and it usually gives a nice naturalized edge to the ground cover.
not the most modern solution, but just habit here.
and of course in areas not near the clems we always have the chemical edging....i e round up.

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