Need plant suggestions for soggy area

Thomson, GA

Hi neighbors, like many folks on septic tank, I have a separate drain field for gray water, which dumps out in a wooded area in my front yard. There was a weeping willow there which died last winter (the late spring freeze, actually) along with a mimosa. Removing the trees has left a large, now mostly sunny area which I immediately thought of as a planting opportunity. I would of course love flowering plants, but would like suggestions of what you'all would recommend that would do well in this type of situation. Thanks!

Lula, GA(Zone 7b)

Obedient plant (Physostegia virginiana) would love that area and spread. It's a native.

Danielsville, GA(Zone 7b)

I like that tip too. Mike

Hahira, GA(Zone 8b)

Flag Iris love wet places! Samantha

Thomson, GA

Great suggestions. I had never considered these, but I sure will now. Thanks!


Broxton, GA(Zone 8b)

Chameleon plant, horsetail rush, taro and elephant ears would grow well in the area you described.

Thomson, GA

I tried EE there a couple years ago but they didn't make it. Could it have been too shady? Well, that problem has been eliminated!! They looked great at first and then just seemed to fade away. Or maybe I have other problems in that area.

I very rarely use clorine bleach, but I think I will totally abandon the practice now. Someone told me that may be what killed the Weeping Willow, but why did it take 3 years to do it? I really don't think so, since my neighbor's Willow also died and it is nowhere near this area. I still think it was the late freeze, but I don't want to take chances with anything new that I plant.

Broxton, GA(Zone 8b)

I think they would do better in the shade than the full sun. I have some planted in both sun and shade and the ones in the shade grow larger.
The chameleon plants will have more colorful foliage if they get full sun. Also canna lillies will grow well in full sun and wet areas. I have lots of the bengal tiger canna lillies if you need any. Sharon

Bluffton, SC(Zone 9a)

Hardy hibiscus would do well there.

monarda, titi, button bush, cardinal much!

Lula, GA(Zone 7b)

I love your ideas ggg. I had forgotten about those (although I have little success with cardinal flower anywhere). I do have Buttonbush and really like it -- different. And of course Monarda comes in so many great colors and the b'fly and hummers love it.

Cleveland,GA/Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

Guardian, how large is the area that you want to plant and how tall do you want the plants to be? I think this would determine the selection. You could still replace small trees and add understory plantings in a wet space if desired.

Bluffton, SC(Zone 9a)

River birch would grow like crazy but it would end up big fairly fast.

Thomson, GA

I really prefer blooming plants - I have plenty of trees and therefore, I covet sunny areas to plant blooming flowers.I have to remind myself that in our heat sometimes full sun means a little shade'll do ya good! I'll have to measure tomorrow when I go out to finish clearing the vines that are growing all over and pull up the volunteer mimosa. I am really awful at estimating distance. I don't really have a plan in mind, but found myself thinking that since the area is visible both from the road and from my front door, it might be good to have taller items in the center with shorter ones on either side of the center plantings; or I could just free form it like I usually do and hope for the best!

Cleveland,GA/Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

Well, I suggest you keep in mind that varied heights create garden interest and, if you have a large space to fill, you should consider taller specimens. That said, our sun and heat allows for some small trees to bring relief to plants considered for "full sun". Perhaps when you figure out your space, in relation to your yard/house you can best be advised as to how tall your plantings should be in scale. The taller plantings should be considered first, whether they are two or twenty feet and the stuff below becomes a no-brainer.

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