CLOSED: Snail vine

My neighbor is wanting shell vine. Purple and yellow ones. If you would like to do a trade for them in plant form, please d-mail me. Also looking for any bright colorful vines to climb a fence of lattice. I need about 30 foot of covering lattice.

This message was edited Jun 7, 2009 9:22 PM

Orlando, FL

well i might have a blue sky vine that i could share for well let me think about that one lol

OH you! You know who the WOman is. You got shell vine ,too?

Orlando, FL

no i wish i did have you found any here i will check at the nursery i go to and see if they have it. and get cuttings for you if they have it

When I posted this, i mispelled shell vine, called it snail vine. OOOpps

Summerville, SC(Zone 8a)

I'm curious .. what is the genus and species of a shell vine? I've not heard of it and can't find it in plant files.


Washington, IN(Zone 6a)

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