CLOSED: OFFER:   Texas Mountain Laurel - - SASEs or trades

Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

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Howdy, friends!   I want to try a new way of offering the seeds I collect from my own garden and those in my neighborhood in this urban forest called Austin, TX.   It has been said that Necessity is the Mother of Invention (sorry Mr. Zappa) - and the progress of the RA in my right (and dominant) hand has provided the necessity that I try out the idea of a seed reservation method of sharing the seeds of our local beauty with y'all.   For the most part, I know well in advance which seeds I am going to harvest this year

Right now I can offer second-year seed pods from the Texas Mountain Laurel  Sophora secundiflora - a.k.a.:  Mescal Bean . . . as well as first-year seeds pods - - - as I have both types of pods hanging from the treees at this time. The greying first-year pods will be drying out soon (we do the high 90s here already) and their seeds will develop some pretty tough red shells at that time.   According to a really helpful web page about germinating this plant's seeds, getting them while they're green is definitely the easier road to go . . . Check it out:

For a huge diversity of info:

My plan is to havest only what y'all ask me to gather - - so lemme know now, so I only have to work as hard as I need to.  This offer is for seeds still in their pods, so a bit more postage is necessary for SASE requests - - Please enclose $1.56 in loose U.S. postage stamps . . . seed pods will be sent USPS 1st Class package mail.  Four pods to the package, with each pod containing at least 3 seeds.  If you do not specify that you desire the older (red) seeds, then seeds in greying pods (green seeds) will be provided by default.   Including a self-addressed mailing label would be nice but not necessary if your address appears clearly on the request envelope.  Please write "T M L" on the lower-left corner of the request envy so my old-timer's disease will not kick in.  ;--)

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There is a virtually unlimited number of both types of Texas Mountain Laurel seed pods available at this time - - no need to worry about being left out   I probably will not re-visit this thread until only the older pods with red seeds inside are remaining on the trees.

A T B T Y !       ~       ŁazŁo     ;-)

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This message was edited Jun 15, 2009 6:32 PM

Thumbnail by LazLo

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