Duck spit water

Merkel, TX

I have started using the water from the ducks bowl to water my baby sunflowers and squash. We have two ducks and their water bowl we keep outside of the fence to keep them out of it, but they still get their grain in their mouth and then drink and spit in in and then suck it back out of the water bowl. This water is rank after two days, esp in this Texas heat. I thought it was a shame to just rinse it out into the yard but the ducks have to have fresh water at least EOD. Does anyone think there will long term damage from watering from this? I have always used pig barrel and dog slobber water on my plants but this is much more rank. Thanks, Kathy

Charlotte, NC(Zone 7b)

I'm guessing your plants will love it!

Merkel, TX

So far they do, but did not know about using it EOD. I could haul it to other plants if it would be better to. Kathy

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

I definitely wouldn't water things more often than they need it just to use up the water. In your area though if it's hot and you've got fast draining soil it could be that every other day is fine for watering frequency--would definitely check though and haul the water over to some of your other plants if those are getting too much.

Merkel, TX

I water every day the baby plants and EOD the older ones. Its hot and windy here. So far it works. Kathy

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