ID help. Found in an overgrown yard in NY

Troy, NY(Zone 5b)

I found what I think is a wild rose growing in the back area of my house. I cut back a lot of junk there and I don't think anyone has attended to it in years. The rose is thornless and I really want to know what it is. Can anone ID this plant??

The buds are pink and the flower is very small.

I am so curious. I can't believe I found what appears to be a wild rose in my own yard.

Thumbnail by bookreader451
central, NJ(Zone 6b)

I was wondering the same thing and just assumed wild rose. We have them between our neighbor's yard and ours.....ton of them around here along the roadsides...smells wonderful!

Billerica, MA(Zone 6a)

I have TONS of those growing wild in my woods. But mine have small prickly thorns on them. So I guess not exactly the same but a close cousin.
I'm going to watch this thread in hopes of a ID.

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

I have lots of that around here.

Troy, NY(Zone 5b)

Do your have thorns or are they thornless? It is the fact that they are thornless that is throwing me

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

No, mine have lots of thorns!

Troy, NY(Zone 5b)

I think that is the invasive multiflora. This does not seem to be so I am going to enjoy it.

Buffalo, NY(Zone 6a)

I have read that there can be a great degree of variance as to the amount of thorns these "invasive multifloras" can have ..... from a superabundance to virtually none. I think I read about this from someone who works on the over-growth around Arlington.

I am not sure there is a correlation between thorniness and invasiveness. Maybe your multiflora is in a space that does not allow it to spread easily?

I'll keep my eye out for a more authoritative reference other than "I think I read somewhere ..."

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