Should I expect more flowers?

Lowell, MA(Zone 6a)

I am super excited to see blooms on my clematis. But should I expect more blooms? Yes i am a bit greedy, LOL
This clematis' name is HF Young.


Thumbnail by Dulcigarden
Central, AL(Zone 7b)

My HF Young just now begun to cease making flowers. You're in a cooler zone, hopefully the vine will continue to send out more flowers for a few more weeks for you. Our season here begun weeks before yours. Also, the more mature your vine, the more blooms they will reward you. I hope that helps.

Delaware, OH

first year blooms are low and few on hf young. it will exceed your expectations in the coming years.

Lowell, MA(Zone 6a)

Thank you guys, I am very pleased with this clematis, and if it will be getting better i am double happy!

Delaware, OH

better and better and better. clems take some work, but give back much increasingly over the years.

Central, AL(Zone 7b)

They are one of my must have. They gave me much joy every spring, occassionally rebloom in the cool weather of Autumn. Here is my last bloom on mine today:

Thumbnail by Lily_love
Delaware, OH

lily love, i think you are going to miss your clem season.....i know we will miss seeing your garden on this forum if you will be posting less.

Central, AL(Zone 7b)

Thaks CG, as so long there will return the blossoms, then I shall return with more pictures to share. ^_^

These are one of my Jackmanii that keeps me smile with their big vibrant purple blooms....that's all for now.

Thumbnail by Lily_love
Delaware, OH

sweet and inviting. esp since i am in hot hot florida this week.

Lowell, MA(Zone 6a)

My dad says that clems are "lazy". After i gave him one for his sunny front yard and it took forever to display a show. LOL I had to take it back and plant it in my not so sunny yard. (not the one on the pic). Lets see what he says when she starts a show on my yard.

Athens, PA

Dulcigarden -

You'll get there - clems are not an instant gratification plant. The first year they sleep, the second year they creep and the third year they leap!

Thumbnail by Carolyn22
Central, AL(Zone 7b)

Ditto Carolyn. True atributes of clems. They do take time to shine. But once they do. Yes!!! Queens of the vines!

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