Advice for a Clematis Newbie - Please Help!!!

Nashville, TN(Zone 7a)

Hi Everyone :)

I'm new to this forum and I would like to learn more about growing clematis. I bought my first one last year at Lowe's, but it hardly flowered at all. I am wondering if you could give me your best picks for :

**** A deep, rich, bold purple that is very floriferous and fairly easy to grow.

**** Also, I'm not sure how to describe this color of a clematis I saw once, but it was a very clear light blue (but not so light it was almost white, like some of the baby blues I've seen) - it looked like it was almost glowing! I've seen a few delphiniums this color before. Does this sound remotelyh familiar? I'm sorry I can't better describe it.

Looking forward to learning more and hearing from everybody!

Take Care,


Delaware, OH

so many choices.
for your dark purple and first clem do a polish spirit. very vigorous. here is one of mine that just started blooming.
the luminous blue, what time of year did you see the blooms? then we can better advise on what it might be and some choices. welcome to the clem forum!

Thumbnail by ClematisGuru
Delaware, OH

here is a namesake clem of yours "natascha". which you should get! this is 09,just starting to bloom under a julia correvon (the red) that is also starting, but not fully in bloom yet!

Thumbnail by ClematisGuru
Nashville, TN(Zone 7a)

Hi ClematisGuru!

Thank you so much for the warm welcome :)

I wish I could better help you with your question about the mystery clematis, but I cannot remmeber what time of year I saw it! All I can remember are the striking and glowing clear blue flowers. I will keep my eyes open and let you know if I find anything remotely close to what I mentioned.

Wow - "Polish Spirit" looks beautiful! I would definitely like to try and grow one - I really need to build my confidence, because I had myself convinced I couldn't successfully grow a clematis. Is it too late for me to plant one now? Also - where are a few excellent places I can get purchase a good, healthy "Polish Spirit"? Does it require full sun, or can it take some sun and some shade?

I had no idea a "Natascha" existed - I'll definitely have to look into that, too!

How many clems do you grow?

Thanks again for your help :)

~ Natasha

Delaware, OH

knittynatty.....check all your local nurseries.polish spirit can be planted now and you may be able to find one.
or take advantage of's 5 $ off two clems sale right now and order a polish spirit and a margaret hunt.
if you can water them well you can plant nice size roots now. i would advise against a tiny little root being planted outside now unless you have some experience, but ssv roots will be fine.
i have a lot of clems, hundreds. sick. here is margaret hunt from last year. it is just getting ready to bloom this year in a week or two.
all i can say is that it would be magnificant with margaret hunt as you can imagine form seeing both photos.

Thumbnail by ClematisGuru
Nashville, TN(Zone 7a)

ClemGuru -

Your Margaret Hunt & Polish Spirit are beautiful! Do you grow your clems in pots? From the photos, it looks like your clems are in pots that are buried in the ground. How old is each of those plants in the photos above?

Also - I can't exactly tell what color your Margaret Hunt is..could you describe the exact color?

Thanks Again :)

~ Natasha

Delaware, OH

knittynatty, no pots. collars cut from the top 3 inches of a thin nursery pot and inserted into the ground to hold in amended soil and stop erosion. also marks the spot when one disappears.
there is no other clem i have the same color as margaret hunt. it is a pinkish lavender, more pinkish. very different and very lumionous, floriferous and long bloom season. easy to establish. very underutilized clem.

here is an example of a baby clem form 08 in the ground with the collar around it.

Thumbnail by ClematisGuru
Nashville, TN(Zone 7a)

Hi Guru -

Yes, I know what you mean about Margaret Hunt's luminosity! It's your photo that captured me and nudged me to buy one! :) I just ordered Margaret Hunt & Polish Spirit from Debbie and I can't wait to start growing my first clems! I like your use of the nursery pot collars. What diameter pot do you use for the collars?

When I get my 2 new plants, how big of a hole should I dig for each? I am a bit confused by the differing opinions about planting depth. What would your advice be as to how deeply I should plant each of them?

Thank You,

~ Natasha

Nashville, TN(Zone 7a)

ClemGuru -

I forgot one question:

You mentioned the collars holding in your amended soil. What all is the soil amended with?

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