Lena's broom

Sundance, WY(Zone 3b)

Went to a local garden center and came home with this small bush, and now need info on them. Does anyone know about these, or have a pic of a mature one? It was blooming, and adorable! I think that it's supposed to be an evergreen and very cold hardy, but I would love any info anyone has on these. Thanks!

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

Given the description, I suspect it's probably Cytisus 'Lena' but could be wrong http://davesgarden.com/guides/pf/go/66911/ It won't be hardy in zone 3 unfortunately but if you keep it in a container and bring it in over the winter you could keep it from year to year.

Sundance, WY(Zone 3b)

Thanks! Thats what it looks like, alright! How pretty they are! Do you know if any of the varieties are cold hardy here? I would love some outside as accents in flower beds!

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

Sorry, as far as I know about the hardiest they get is zone 6--if you were in zone 5 maybe you could get them to winter over but in zone 3 I think your best bet is either bring it in for the winter, or if they're readily available in the nurseries and cheap then you could buy new ones every year. If you want it to look like it's in the garden, you could always sink the pot in the ground for the summer and then pull it up in the fall and bring it in (after cleaning all the dirt off of it of course!)

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