Help with newly planted.

(Zone 4a)

Ok I planted HF young about 3-4 weeks ago....I don't see any new growth at this point? Normal? We have had some really cold nights and stuff so this is why I am thinking there is no new growth.....

I did cut it all the way back when planting too....I left only several leaves but some of these leaves have turned dark brown or black so I have just plucked them off.....still waiting.....sigh......

Delaware, OH

dawn, might be weeks before you see growth esp with the die back of the plant material you left on. cold nights are part of it, plant just needs to recalibrate to new surroundings. could be a few days or even a few more weeks. an hf young should be coming along pretty vigorous then. did you fertilize?
i have had clems sprout the next day and had them disappear for a season, or take a few weeks.

(Zone 4a)

I guess I am just impatient eh? LOL Thanks though.....I feel a bit better now. My Rosemoor is doing the same thing or should I say doing nothing as well LOL

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)'s quite common for Pruning group 2's to just sit and rest after planting..they are busy getting their roots established to their new home before worrying about putting growth on their vines..funny in the difference between the 3's and 2's...My 3's shoot up like mad after being planted while my 2's lounge around and seem to say..hmmm..just gonna sit here for awhile and rest...Jeanne

(Zone 4a)

Good to know Jeanne.....for some reason I just expected to see some growth after having been planted for so long......patience is definitely something I need to work on.

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

I know exactly how you feel hon..I adore my pruning group 2's and they are the most frustratingly most wanted clematis to me ...if they can get to year 3 without wilting AT least once that is a plus in my book...they are infuriatingly slow to grow and that is why hardpruning the first year after planting gets them on the right track...My "Hoshi-No-Flamenco wilted last year and I am nervously praying she returns..I am just to the point of wondering if those GORGEOUS Japanese Varieties that I covet so are "iffish" in my heat?..Time will tell and I'll update people at the first moment I see something emerge...right now I am on a quest to find another but alas JoyCreek is out of them now...boohoo...Jeanne

This message was edited May 30, 2009 12:59 PM

Delaware, OH

most clems are raised with regular fungicide as part of the nursery protocol. the protection lasts 3 weeks. when you plant the clem, all fungicide protection is soon gone. it is not just clematidina stem rot , but other more minor fungal conditions as well as planting stress and sun, weather, water etc variables that causes different types of die back we all call "wilt".
just been reading some info from the international clem society on this and continuing with something like bayer 3 in one after planting may be a good idea to bridge the gap as the plant adjusts to real life , including the the bacteria and micorobes in your garden.
i find when a clem diappears shortly after planting about a 50% success ratio with reappearance if it does not reappear within a couple of weeks.
i have two new hoshis in right now, one is about 18 inches high and the other disappeared a month ago, at the time of planting. they are both new plants, actually very near each other so all other variables are the same.

(Zone 4a)

Just so you know though Guru - the plant hasn't still has a few good leaves on it....I must have left about 6-8 inches on the plant after it was cut back....I just haven't noticed any new shoot or leaf buds starting....sory of makes me worry a bit but then again everything makes me worry. I just hope to see some growth on it this year.....I hope I am not being too hopeful here...maybe once the weather really warms up and stays warm things will start falling into place with those two clematis.

I do have a bit of new growth with the Blue Angel and madame Julia Correvon so that is a good sign right? I planted those only 2 weeks ago or so....

Delaware, OH

dawn, sometimes when a newly planted little clem just site there with that many inches of green on it, i nip it a little lower to just above some nodes. i just did this with a KIngfisher i planted a month ago last week, and when i came home 5 days later it finally had some action vs sitting there.

i am so glad you got blue angel and julia correvon. y julia is starting to bloom, but i am waiting on photos till she is laden with angel will be a couple more weeks at least, but my bety corning is well underway. blue angel and betty and julia c are such good clems.
you will never regret either of those two recent purchases dawn. they will look smashing with your green thumb!

(Zone 4a)

Hehehee thanks Guru - and you know what? I just picked those 2 up at the nursery and I really didn't even know much about them. I just liked the photo on the tag....I think they are both viticella's too right? So I am so happy you have such good things to say about them.....I can't wait to see those babies bloom!!

Oh yeah and maybe I will try snipping those 2 other clematises like you suggested...maybe then I will see growth...

One more thing - we woke up this morning and it was SNOWING!!!!!!! NO I AM NOT KIDDING!!! Gross - it melted at it came down but it was snow nevertheless......

Appleton, WI

Dawn....your babies are hiding and too afraid to come out because of your horrid weather. lol

Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10b)

Snowing Dawn? I was complaining that it may get in the 40s tonight. (A couple of my indoor/outdoor potted plants have to come in from the cold tonight.)

I have been envying the early roses from people in warmer climates, but love the peonies, clematis and other plants that grow in colder climates. I am beginning to embrace gardening in my zone, rocks included. (I began using a paint pen to write plant names on rocks. I like them much better than those plastic nursery tags.)

A neighbor moved away and gave me some of her plants, including an orange hibiscus. So glad for the internet and Dave's...I have no idea how to grow hibiscus.

Does anyone spray their clems with neems? I would prefer it to Bayer 3 in 1. I have been using neems, baking soda and a bit of soap in a spray for my roses to prevent fungal diseases, especially black spot. so far, it has been adequate.

(Zone 4a)

We did get a bit more snow....well more like hail around noon was weird! Gross too! Then the sun finally came out - still very chilly here today though.

Delaware, OH

we are so NOT the same zone dawn......can't believe your weather. but your clems make the most of the season from what i have seen!

(Zone 4a)

I can't believe my weather either LOL!!! I will post pics soon of my clematis though to show you how much growth I have on them now. Some are impressive - others not so impressive at this time LOL....Still a long ways off before I see flowers but the plants are filling out nicely.

Oh and one more thing. I do have flower buds starting on 2 of The President already and my multi-blue. AMAZING!!!! Still a long ways off of seeing them open yet though. LOL..... They are coming though!!!

(Zone 4a)

Good news folks....I do see new growth now! yay! I just had to share. I took another good look today and noticed very tiny growth coming from the base where the leaf axils are. Whew!

Appleton, WI


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