where is there a web site showing the difference in a male a

Fort Lauderdale, FL

anywone know where I can look to to see the difference between male and female desert rose flowers? I want to try growing my own seed pods since I have many of the plants but never get seed pods, thanks for any information you may give me.

Keaau, HI

Which plant species are you speaking of?

Fort Lauderdale, FL

Gee, I'm not sure! I thhought desert rose was a species. Maybe what you need is adenium? I thought I read that each flower has both male and female parts, later I read that the female has a swolen area just below the flower and that 99% of the flowers are male. I've checked mine out and just maybe 100% of mine are male. I'm looking for a web site that shows pictures of the male and female or if all are both sexes then shows how to hand pollenate to be able to get a seed pod. It's all very confuseing but I want to try. Thank you in advance.

This is from U of Miami--- Good tips for culture and everything but making your own seeds.


But no illustrations. You can buy seed Google---

Edited to add:

Fruit. The fruit, which is classified as a follicle, splits along one side to release seeds
bearing a pappus (tuft of hairs which aids in dispersal)) at each end. Seed production is
not reliable, since pollination is often not successful, due to plants in cultivation being
male or female sterile.

As stated above, propagation from seed is not reliable because of pollination problems.
For those developing new varieties, hand pollination using male/female compatible plants
is necessary to ensure the production of viable seed. If fresh viable seed is available,
germination rates are high if it is used promptly. Remove the pappus, dust the seeds in
fungicide and sow in a sterile, sandy, free-draining soil mix. Germination occurs within a
week at 85EF, and after a month seedlings should have at least 6 true leaves and be ready
for transplanting. Seed grown plants will often flower the same year, and should be
watered as needed and given regular applications of fertilizer.

This message was edited May 30, 2009 12:55 PM


Now I see why you wantt your own seeds! 2 per pkg, 85% germination, $12 to 25. Ouch! I might keep looking. But a small plant here costs fifty bucks.

This is called 'surfing'

200 seeds for twenty bucks


noonamah, Australia

There's a Gossypium that's called Desert Rose, and an Adenium as well.

You're confusing me! LOL!

Keaau, HI

Also Pereskia, Barite, and Selenite!

Those look like fake words that my Mama used to try to sneak by me playing Scrabble!

Keaau, HI

Here are Barite (left) and Selenite, Desert Roses!

Thumbnail by Metrosideros
noonamah, Australia

Yeah Dave, but do those photos show the difference between the male and female? ;O)

Keaau, HI

Thanks Popper1, very useful info.

Hey Tropicbreeze, in Hawai'i stones are called pohaku. Round smooth stones are considered wahine (female); Rough jagged stones, are considered kane (male).
I guess that since they are both rounded and somewhat smooth, they would be females by Hawaiian terms.

Fort Lauderdale, FL

Thank you one and all, Yea I know how expensive they are, I've purchased many of them. I have a neighbor who has a hugh one that I get seed pods from, and out of severel hundred seeds I've only been able to grow 7 plants, all of the common pink variety, so I bought 2 white one (very rare) and it's these I would like to get seed pods from. The white ones cost $70.00 each, once they are established they are great looking buses. Again, thank you, I'm going on to that web site you provided me with now.

Fort Lauderdale, FL

Popper1, wow, great web site, I can't thank you enough, looking at my previous posts I think I have to start watching my spelling, but then again I blame everything on my being an old man, so "youse" guys will just have to put up with this dumb gardener.

Fort Lauderdale, FL

Metrosideros, are they for real? they look like some one walked a dog and left a present on the lawn.

Keaau, HI

Yes Jimsned2, Barite Desert Roses are found in the Sahara Desert and in Oklahoma. Selenite (Gypsum) Desert Roses are found in Tunisia and Morocco, and in Arizona and New Mexico.

Aloha, Dave

Popper1, and a thank you from me!

I've found two kinds of Desert Rose, the green blooming plant, that are fragrant. I gotta have fragrance! They look like azaleas here, sometimes, they bloom so nicely.

Pinellas Park, FL(Zone 9b)

I bought adenium seeds off ebay from someone in Thailand. They are hand pollinated from named varieties but won't some won't come true to the parents. Out of a tray of 72 I started a couple weeks ago, so far 30 have sprouted. Perhaps those with poor germination aren't fresh enough.

Yes. The seed must be very fresh, from what I'm gathering. The two fragrant varieties are $12 for 2 seeds(!!) (Or more) and they claim 85% germination.

Pooh, "I wanna be RICH!"

Pinellas Park, FL(Zone 9b)

Here is the tray of seedlings with photos of the seed parents. I got the seeds from King Adenium.

Thumbnail by budgielover
Pinellas Park, FL(Zone 9b)

Here are seedlings from the same batch. The seed parent is the Bengai Variegated in the photo. One may be showing signs of possible variegation.

Thumbnail by budgielover

You bought the plant, King Adnenim? Confused here. You 'made' the seeds yourself, or bought them?

Durn, wish I hadn't found those two that are fragrant, and priced right through the roof! Some on that site were called excellent pollinators, also.

So they don't all have the bulbous bottoms? I rather like that weirdness.

Richland, MI(Zone 5b)

That's funny! I've been thinking for a while now about Adeniums, and here's a thread!
While wondering in the Caudiciforms forum, I found this as a good recommended source for Adeniums (seedlings and seeds), and their prices are not that bad either:

Now I've learned a nice big fancy new word! Cau di ci form. Hum.

Pinellas Park, FL(Zone 9b)

King Adenium is the seller on Ebay that I bought the seeds from. He is in Thailand. The seeds in the tray are from the adeniums pictured. He said he hand pollinated the blooms to themselves but they don't always come true to the parent plant.

Oh, Thailand. I was there for six weeks. Why did I leave???????????

Fort Lauderdale, FL

Budgielover, Are you going to try hand pollination yourself? I am told that there has to be a "Olenander moth" present to do the job natural, since my neighbor here in S. Florida gets about six seed pods a year on his, I can only guess that we have such moths hanging around, but I am bound and determined to hand pollinate just to see if I can do it, since I have red, white and pink plants it just might get interesting seeing what color plants I get. What did you use as a planting medium?

Pinellas Park, FL(Zone 9b)

I use Jiffy seed starting mix for my seeds. It's soiless, peat, perlite & vermiculite, I believe but I would have to check the package. I love it for all seeds. Very light and well draining. I bottom water to keep the top soil dry to discourage fungus gnats.

At this point I don't have plans to hand pollinate as it will be some time before these seedlings mature and flower but by then, I may have more time to try it.

Fort Lauderdale, FL

Budgielover, thank you for the info, I'm going to home depot and see if they sell "jiffy seed starting mix", I've tried coconut mulch and vermiculate with sand, I can't remember what I used the first and only time I had some success with about 12 plants out of maybe a hundred seeds, I think I used miracle grow potting mix, then I had to get fancy and start reading how the professionals do it! I've even tried hydroponics, all with zero results. I'm sort of lucky that I continue to get my neighbors seed pods. Again thank yoiu for the info.

Pinellas Park, FL(Zone 9b)

If you don't find it there, I get mine from Lowes.

Fort Lauderdale, FL

I've given up, planted over 75 seeds useing severel recomended methods and not one seedling to show for it. I know that potting a cutting is very easy, but then there is no buldge at the bottom which I think makes this plant attractive, Oh well, on to other plants where I at least stand a chance. Thank you all for advice given.

Bummer, that's a lot of seeds!

Pinellas Park, FL(Zone 9b)

There's a great thread on pollinating & germinating adenium in the caudiciform forum. Are your seeds fresh?


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