Good clem for smaller lilac?

Grayslake, IL(Zone 5a)

I *think* the lilac we have is Miss Kim (I found a tag when digging, but it was in back, the bush is in front). It didn't bloom this year so I'm still not sure; I think the landscapers pruned it late because nobody's lilacs in the development are blooming :~( I'd like to get a clematis to pair with it that won't get too large for it if it indeed is Miss Kim. When we move it away from the gas meter, it will be in the vicinity of a Pink Delight Buddleia, sort of darkish rose pink, so I suppose it should coordinate somehow with that.

Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

I have a "Miss Kim" Lilac too. Mine has already finished blooming for this season. Since Ms Kim only gets about 5-6' tall, I would choose a Group 2 Clematis that won't overwhelm the Lilac. I would choose a shorter growing variety. For example: "Asao", "Bourbon", "Crystal Fountain", "Climador", 'Kilian Donahue", "Patricia An Fretwell", " Piilu" or
"Ruby Glow".

Grayslake, IL(Zone 5a)

Thanks Shirley, I'll take a look at those

Delaware, OH

piilu would be good,
i grow terniflora up thru miss kims on 3 different bushes, but i train it straight up to a tall pole that is in the middle of the miss kim and keep most of it off the plant. i have done this for 3 years. the terniflora is taking off as the miss kim is finished blooming and there have been no issues with this for the lilac. in the late winter or early spring the terniflora is hardpruned off the lilac.
the miss kims look great in late summer as a mound of white blooms. here is a photo from last summer that shows a miss kim with terniflora before bloom time.

Thumbnail by ClematisGuru
W of Cleveland, OH(Zone 5a)

I didn't know that one could grown clematis on or in another tree/plant. That sounds really neat. Do you think it could be done on an alberta spruce or would it brown the needle where the clematis lies against it? Getting psyched!

Delaware, OH

i have a ton of woody shrub and clem combos and there is never any harm in my garden from the companionship.

W of Cleveland, OH(Zone 5a)

Thank you, Guru. I'm seeing possibilities here :)

Delaware, OH

here is niobe on alberta spruce and box from last year. these plants were 5 years old at the time of the photo (the hedge is 18 years old)
this year i have put a structure in for the niobes in the display, but the back drop will still be as you see it here. this is 3 plants, 2 bought, 1 layered.....

Thumbnail by ClematisGuru
W of Cleveland, OH(Zone 5a)

That's a really nice look - going to do it for sure!!

Delaware, OH

thanks dathan, i had a small white structure in there but it was always covered up by the plant anyway. the plants needed pruning after the winter as they were damaged, so i bit the bulllet and pulled it out and put a new metal support in. here is a photo of the same niobes on this year's structures. took pic several days ago as the blooming started.

Thumbnail by ClematisGuru
W of Cleveland, OH(Zone 5a)

Oh, what a pretty metal frame! Clematis seems to love it there.

Delaware, OH

thanks dathan. a place near me sells them for 45$. they have a lot of structures and great pricing. it is called "backroads", small funky place. she sells some fun clems like tye die, sprinkles, asao....also a lot of sedum and perennials, just a changing fun selection. but her metal things are a great value.

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