Clematis Half-Price, $5.47 at Bluestone

Huntersville, NC

Several varieties available at $5.47!


Delaware, OH

they have rubromarginata, which i hope many folks will buy,it is an amazing clem that blends well in displays and also can add interest in many spots in the garden.
i am sure it is a tiny plant for this price, but if you do not have it and do not mind growing out a small root, it could be an amazing value.
here is rubro from my garden. i ordered 3 more to put in some other places. i was planning to start some cuttings but this is much less work.

Thumbnail by ClematisGuru
Aurora, IL

Found an article about the rubro. The photos just look stunning and overwhelming for a small to midsized garden. I wonder if it would grow OK on a large lilac hedge...? The article gave the impression that that would work.

Delaware, OH

yes grow nicely thru a hedge if the starting place gives it adequate sun. it is worth finding a spot for on a hedge, tree or tumbling over a retaining wall is an idea too if you have any.

Last year I ordered four clems from their sale. The plants were small so I potted them up and put them in a shady location over summer. They were planted in the fall then well mulched with leaves before winter arrived. They are all up and growing this spring so to me the sale was worthwhile.

Edited to add the names of the ones purchased: Claire de Lune, Crystal Fountain, Nelly Moser and Ville de Lyon.

This message was edited May 28, 2009 10:16 AM

East Bend, NC

ordered Rubromarginata as Guru praised it. Got it today very small pot but a lot of fiberous roots.I potted it in a gallon container as daylilydreams sugessed. i would love to find a white Lady Banks rose to pair it with . on it own root of course but then I think Lady Banks is a species anyway.

Delaware, OH

so glad more folks are picking up rubromarginata. it is a great clem. mine must be 8 feet tall, and it now just goes side ways and back over the front...a wingspan of probably 6 feet side to side. it will be blooming within a couple of weeks and bloom for several months.
rubromarginata should be as popular as terniflora. with the earlier blooming and the beautiful color of the small flowers it is really an asset in the garden or any type of lansdcaping.

East Bend, NC

So glad to hear that Guru, I am looking forward to seeing the display. Should I plant it in the same hole as my Lady Banks Rose or a few feet from it Lady Banks is a species It will get very large ,blooms very early and is fragrant. It is a mass of mid green leaves from late spring til fall and I think this clem will sparkle up that corner of the yard growing with it.

Delaware, OH

i would go a few feet away. it is a BIG CLEM and that sounds like a BIG ROSE and you are going to have a great BIG COMBO!
rubro looks great growing thru foliage, maybe only a couple of feet away, not a few feet away!

East Bend, NC

Thank you CG.

Delaware, OH

i got my little rubros in the mail while i was away. they look fine,at the price they will save me a lot of work making cuttings. now have to decide whether to grow them out in pots, guess i will as i have not yet planned where i want them.
glad someone alerted us to the sale. they are small , but well rooted and i am glad to have them.
my big rubro is monstrous this year. will have photos soon.....

everybody who got rubro will be happy with it. i don't know why this clem is not sold everywhere like sweet autumn....prettier, blooms earlier, just a really great clem.
whoever posted the sale, THANKS!

Appleton, WI

CG - the american clematis society show rubros the zones as 7-11. If you are a member, please consider letting Edith know that it does well in your zone.

I have never seen a site showing it to be hardy to zone 4.

This message was edited Jun 8, 2009 7:19 AM

Delaware, OH

i will send edith a e mail, i never would have been able to grow it if it were a 7 for sure and i wouldn't have bought it either. i sometimes foolishly purchase a zone 6 and kill it, but never would have done a 7!

if i were going to a stranded island and could only take 10 clems, rubro would be on the list.

Appleton, WI

I've always wanted one, and if I saw one site that listed it as growing in zone 4, I would get one. As I typed that, I thought I'd check Brushwood. Dan has it listed zone 4-11.

For all those new to clematis, who live in the colder zones, and who have checked some of the other mail order sites, the growing zones are often incorrect. Many are incorrectly listing many clematis as 5 and above. Most of Brushwood's zones are accurate. Just an FYI.

Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10b)

The double flowered white lady banks rose is called rosa banksiae alba plena. Unfortunately it is not cold hardy here. In the south it gets huge!

I mentioned it before, but I am growing rubro with William Baffin, a Canadian Explorer rose. If both survive, both are supposed to be vigorous and relatively large.

I am hoping that they coordinate well. We'll see (I will run here with pictures on that happy day, although I am pinching back buds, I may let one flower long enough for a peek)

Delaware, OH

i bet it will be a great combo. my baby rubros are here,are planted in pots while i figure out placement. happy i got them.

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