Manuka Seed Help

Schoharie, NY

I just received my Manuka Tea Tree Seed in the mail from New Zealand .. I live in usa .. and I dont understand all the directions on the packet .. It says to soak overnight bettween layers of paper towels then i guess the next day you seal in a plastic bag and refrigerate for 6 weeks .. Now when I go to put the seeds in a plastic bag to refrigerate do I just put the seeds only in the bag or pick up the paper towels that the seed is bettween and put all in refrigerater? This may seem like a stupid question but Im new to this stuff .. Thanks in advance.


Hi Brenda ...that does not sound right to me ...I would soak overnight in warm water then plant as described here ...good luck with them.

Barmera, Australia

Assuming your seed is labelled correctly the "Manuka" is Leptospermum scoparia the seeds are very fine and should need no preparation at all, how ever the soaking will do no harm. When planting use a seed tray and be careful not to cover with too much top soil just barely cover them, then like most seeds keep damp, but not water logged, until germination. As soon as you can handle them pot on to individual containers.
Regards Brian

Wellsford, New Zealand

Manuka seeds should be sprinkled on top of moist seed raising mix, then cover the planting tray with a sheet of glass (or plastic wrap) until you see TINY green plantlets. Uncover the tray and keep moist- the seedlings need good light while they grow on.
The seeds are so tiny that if you try to pre soak you could lose a lot of them. Germination can occur in 10 days - 2 weeks if all is well (at least it did when my students grew them).
When you pot on the seedlings you must be very careful not to let them dry out - the seedlings do not tolerate dryness. I usually transfer from the seedling tray to pb3/4 planting bags, and plant out directly from those.

brian and Mac41 ...great info ...I have never seen Manuka seeds and gave my standard formula for seed germination, thankyou for teaching us to how to do that. My guess is that it would be a great way to germinate any tea tree seeds and many other types come to think of it.

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