Chindo Viburnum stalk issue

Peachtree City, GA

Hello. I had 5 4' plants put in 10/05 along a fence. If you face them 2 to left got 12' high and full, middle one and 2nd from right got frost damage in winter 08, far right one had same problem I will describe, but is now full and 6'+ high. Problem. 2nd from left, middle and 2nd from right now have a stalk and any branches off it it with brown, turned down leaves, but there are new little leaves growing at very tip of branches. This seems 'random'. I have not seen any bugs. Last year we had a drought, this Spring lots of rain. I've been told not getting enough water to deep roots?, it's a fungus and could be blight. I don't want to lose these, but dont' know what this is and how to treat it. I would greatly appreciate any help. thanks.

Thumbnail by deesdiggin

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