Is it too late to apply Beneficial Nematodes & Rose Chafers

Cedar Springs, MI(Zone 5b)

I almost forgot I wanted to apply them this year
and does anybody know what they are effective against?
I get European Rose Chafers on my roses really bad
and they should be emerging in June.
I'm hoping they are still in their grub stage.
Any ideas what I can use if I'm already too late

Cedar Springs, MI(Zone 5b)

Just reading a FAQ on ARBICO's site and it says that you need to water (to keep the soil moist for the Ben. Nem.) every 3-4 days if you don't get rain...well I can't water an acre of coverage every 3-4 days when we have long dry spells in the summer. I'm now having to re-think the Ben. Nem thing.

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

If they normally emerge in June you're getting close to too late--if you haven't already ordered them you may well miss your chance, but if you already have the nematodes you have nothing to lose by trying them. And if you're willing to reapply the nematodes next year (which you'd probably have to anyway since your winter will probably kill off a lot of them), you shouldn't have to worry about the extra watering once the beetles emerge in June--after that there won't be any grubs left for them to kill so no need to keep them wet.

Cedar Springs, MI(Zone 5b)

Well that's a good thought.

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