need ID

Questa, NM(Zone 5b)

I got this clem from Home Depot in '05. I didn't know any better and threw away the tag. Can someone please help me ID this guy? This flower is very large: 6 or 7 inches across.

Someone's eating him, so he lost a petal.


Thumbnail by Sofonisba
Delaware, OH

this clem may be a PINK CAMEO. attached is a pic of mine from last year. the large flower, and slight gapiness at the base of the sepals is my clue. mine threw some extra sepals last year, those are random and happpen to be in the photo i have, but most of the time it is a single , large, flower. not the most vigorous clem but becoming more reliable with age.
mine was also purchased in 05 from a local nursery in my town, Straders. i believe at the time all of their clems came from donahues, so you could sleuth it that way.

Thumbnail by ClematisGuru
Questa, NM(Zone 5b)

Yes, that looks really close. I'm gonna look it up. Thank you ClematisGuru! Your name suits you.

Questa, NM(Zone 5b)

Well, it looks a lot like yours and the one in plantfiles, but nothing like the one they have on Clematis on the Web:

I took some more photos of it just now. I'll upload them soon.

Delaware, OH

actually it is the amount of sun that effects the darkness of the sepals and the central bar contrast. mine is in full sun, and most bi colors show the contrast in partial shade. mine usually does not throw the extra sepals that it did last year, but it bloomed very early last year on a smaller plant. this can happen with a lot of clems. clues are the gap-iness at the base of the sepals, number of sepals, bloom time. i am sure it is a pink cameo.
the one on cotw is in partial shade, as recommended for bi colors. also has to do with how long the bloom lingers on the plant as it will keep bleaching lighter even in partial shade as it lingers. it is not the longest lived bloom for me and not the most vigorous clem in the garden but is performing better every year.
my pleasure to even think about pink cameo. it is a nice clem to have in teh collection and not that widely shown for some reason.

Questa, NM(Zone 5b)

I'm glad to have it in my garden. It is in full sun. I went out to inspect it this morning and noticed the blooms at the bottom of the plant have a slightly more noticeable bar. I think you're right. Thank you for helping me!!


Delaware, OH

sofonisba.....thank you. i love mine when it blooms each spring. the blooms are later this year and the plant looks more vigorous so i am looking forward to mine blooming in a couple of weeks and will post a shot on this thread.
glad someone else has one of these clems and we can keep tabs and compare notes on the lovely Pink Cameo! glad to see you on the site and hope to get to know you better.

Questa, NM(Zone 5b)

How sweet of you to say! I am a regular DGer, but am new to the Clematis forum. Three years ago, I planted several clematises and this year they're really taking off. I'll be here more often because I love them!

Here's another shot of the Pink Cameo. This one shows the bar more.


Thumbnail by Sofonisba
Questa, NM(Zone 5b)

Another shot. This flower was from a shadier part of the plant. Does shade make the petals (tepals?) skinnier?

Thumbnail by Sofonisba
Questa, NM(Zone 5b)

Here's one that was on the top of the plant getting the most sun.

Thumbnail by Sofonisba
(Zone 4a)

I do hope you keep coming back...your clematis are just gorgeous!

Questa, NM(Zone 5b)

Thanks Dawn!

You know what? I need help IDing another. This one was sold to me as 'President'. I also got it from Home Depot at the same time I got 'Pink Cameo'. Victorgardener pointed out to me that this isn't 'President', because the sepals are actually red in 'President'. So, anybody got any ideas?

Thumbnail by Sofonisba
Questa, NM(Zone 5b)

Here's another

Thumbnail by Sofonisba
Questa, NM(Zone 5b)

whole plant view

Thumbnail by Sofonisba
Delaware, OH

sofonisba, the lavendar clem looks like hr young or belle nantaise. if it is belle the leave of the plant looks slightly thicker, but based on bloom time if those are 09 photos, look slike an hf young in ful sun.

re the variations on pink cameo, i think based on the extra sepals mine throws out sometimes that it is a clem that can be effected by lots of things....i will def post photos of mine this year,can't wait for it to open noe.

the president is a purple blue clem that is unmistakable. mis labeled plants are a big issue at lowes i is a risk anywhere. i myself have scrambled tags and ended up with a mystery till bloom time with a order of plants.....

Thumbnail by ClematisGuru
Delaware, OH

sorry meant H F Young not hr young. early , need stronger glasses.

Questa, NM(Zone 5b)

Oh, wow. Love that President. Gotta get one!

Those photos are from last year. I should've posted that. They're dated June 14th. I'll look up both H F Young and belle nantaise. Thanks for the help!

any idea what's bothering my Haku Ookan? I discovered these deformed flowers this morning.

Thumbnail by Sofonisba
Delaware, OH

the sepals are normal. sometimes clems have these irregularities, probably the cold weather at some point in bud formation. it is a nice looking haku ooken.
earlier blooming clems more prone to the greenish sepals than later blooming ones.

Questa, NM(Zone 5b)

No, this isn't sepals. The petals themselves aren't opening, and some of them are crusty and off colored in parts, especially down the center and at the tip. Here's another pic.

Thumbnail by Sofonisba
Delaware, OH

clematis do not have petals. the sepals we call "petals" are perfectly formed, colored sepals. these buds had weather vairables in a certain stage of formation that is common in early blooms or certain blooms on a plant that were effected.
please read up on the genus if you have an interest in this topic, or lets post back and forth. it is one of the things that make the genus so interesting.

Questa, NM(Zone 5b)

After a few days had passed, and I looked at the Haku Ookan, I noticed what you were talking about. I also noticed that the back side is white on this flower, which, when the flower was unfurling, made it look sick. The strange tips are still there, but it is a healthy, beautiful flower.

Why do they call what looks like a petal, a sepal? What is a tepal?

Thanks for your help CG

Delaware, OH

tepal is used interchangably with sepal with small nuance to most.

in very layman terms, sepals are the tougher, usually green outer layer that protects a bud before it opens into bloom. think of the rose bud and how the sepal remains on the back of the bloom after it opens.
clematis "petals" are duplicate sepals to protect the boss or stamens and reproductive parts of the plant.
most clematis nuts do not debate the difference between tepal and sepal, your use depends on who you learned from. brachts are usually tepals.colorful multiple sepal blooms are the trait of the genus in the form of coloumbine, delphinimum, pulsitilla, anemone, etc etc.....

Questa, NM(Zone 5b)

Thank you for explaining that. I'm embarrassed at how little I know.

Delaware, OH

my pleasure. my knowledge is always layman knowledge, passed to me via books or lectures, or online, so passing it along is a pleasure. some other terms you will hear are
central bar (the color stripe or variation down the middle of a sepal)
margin (the outer edge of a sepal, as in wavy, or the coloration around the outer edge)
boss (the central area of reproductive organs of the plant including the stamens, anthers,etc)

these are the main terms surrounding the bloom formation of the sepals. did you see my cool duchess of e bloom that is all greenish tie dye sepals????? attaching it .....i am enthralled with it and will photograph it again as it opens.

Thumbnail by ClematisGuru
Delaware, OH

by the way, i just read in the International Clematis Society 2009 information that our pink cameo has just been registered even though it was developed and available since 95. perhaps this means it will come into increased distribution.

Questa, NM(Zone 5b)

Wow, yes. Very cool!

Great info on the pink cameo. I like that you said "our" pink cameo. That's cute.

Delaware, OH

i love pink cameo and you rarely hear of anyone having it. it is an amazing coinkidinky that you posted it and i had one...totally cool.

Questa, NM(Zone 5b)

Well, I'm glad I did!!

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