bloodroot seeds

Madison, WI

I have bloodroot just done blooming and see seed pods ripening. The year before I collected the seeds and sowed them in place under a plastic cover to ward off squirrels. They germinated really well. I am going to do it again this year and would like to share if someone has an interest in fresh seeds. Here are my babies :)

Sorry, these are wrong babies.

This message was edited May 26, 2009 12:29 PM

Thumbnail by enya_34
Madison, WI

Here are the right ones.

Thumbnail by enya_34
Plainfield, NJ(Zone 6b)

I would be very interested in seeds. If you want to trade take a look at my list.
I will (should) also have Goldenseal, Stillengia, American Ginseng and Wild Yam seeds this Fall. Right now I also have Black Cohose seeds.

Madison, WI

Let's keep in touch as the seeds ripen. I would love to have Goldenseal and American Ginseng when you get them.
If you'd like I can collect seeds of Uvularia grandiflora for you. This one I don't usually collect as the germinate readily and I get lots of babies from the ones that just drop. I've seen a seed pod on my Jeffersonia dyphilla too and can put on the seed baggy on it for you too.

Plainfield, NJ(Zone 6b)

Thanks, that would be great if you could collect the Uvularia grandiflora and Jeffersonia dyphilla seeds. I can send the black cohosh seeds now (or later if you like - they need cold stratification) - anything else youŽd like. IŽll let you know when the others are ready.

Madison, WI

If that's OK with you, could you send black cohosh later with the rest? I will put the baggies on once the rain is over. The problem with the seeds out in my "woods" is that I don't get to monitor them close enough - baggies are great for catching what might otherwise get lost :)

Plainfield, NJ(Zone 6b)

Sure, I'll do that. Keep me updated.
Many thanks,

Saint Bonifacius, MN(Zone 4a)

Enya, I am very interested in know exactly how you germinated the bloodroot seeds. Maybe an eighth inch deep? How long until they sprouted?

A smart move with the baggies. I am going to try that with my Jeffersonias.

Thumbnail by Leftwood
Madison, WI

What worked for me was picking a shady spot under a tree, raking the soil and spreading the seeds. I did cover them with maybe 1/8" of compost and watered. Then to keep the squirrels out I covered the spot with a plastic cover from rotisserie chicken. I did not see anything till the next spring. Then I had almost 100% germination, but a rabbit ate 50% of the babies. This spring as you can see they are back.

Saint Bonifacius, MN(Zone 4a)

Thanks enya,
I am not sure, but your bloodroot seeds may have actually germinated and sent down roots the same season as planting, but not sent up a leaf until after a cold treatment (the winter).

As I say, I am not sure about bloodroot, but I do know for sure that this is the way Jeffersonia seedlings grow.

Madison, WI

I'll try a transparent plastic container this summer out of curioucity. I did start
Solomon's seal and know that it's the way it grows too: nothing above the ground the first season but lots of activity underneath. Thank you for pointing this out, I love learning about plants that grow in my garden.

Madison, WI

Bloodroot just dropped the seeds and so did Jeffersonia dyphilla. I'd like to send them asap so you can sow them now. Let me know where to. Uvularia is not ready yet, but I'd rather not wait with the other ones.

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