Hardy Kiwi trellis - any ideas?

Portland, OR

I would love to hear from people who have grown hardy kiwi to find out how they supported the vine. I can't use a porch, but I have plenty of space to put up a trellis, much like the ones used for blackberries.....


Anchorage, AK(Zone 3b)

If by hardy Kiwi you mean the kind we call Siberian Kiwi, with the grape-sized oblong non-fuzzy fruit, you will eventually need a fairly large trellis AND sharp pruners. After about three years they grow yards, not feet, each year and the older stems become quite thick.
In a back area, I pounded heavy rebar into the ground and put that flexible plastic pipe over it to make a sort of double arch - one crossing the other. Unfortunately it's rather clumsy and unattractive for the 7 months we have no leaves. But it's a great tall mound of pretty foliage right now.
I've seen more artistic trellises than mine made with PVC (is that what it's called?) One done with skinny white pipe was great (but they had to scrub printing off the pipe. the black doesn't seem to have all that).
Don't know what you're thinking of when you say a trellis. If wood, the main supports would need to be two by fours, or two by twos if more than 2 legs.
A lighter trellis attached to your house could work. Don't put it too high to reach. Some neighbors have a huge mass of Kiwi on one wall of their house. A few years back it was glorious. But it's on a second story wall where they never prune it. It's looking too massive and I'm afraid it could be damaging their wood siding.

Portland, OR

Sorry for the late response, SFD. thanks so much for the info. I can already tell that this is indeed a vigorous grower. I'll have to reinforce my trellis with 2 by fours, as you suggested. Thanks!


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