Oh Pooh! No more blooms:(

Ashdown, AR(Zone 8a)

Well,my last iris has finishing blooming. A lot of my blooms were destoryed during all our bad storms earlier in the month so I didn't get to enjoy the last few.

Can anyone suggest some irises for my zone that will bloom later. I just hate seeing them done already. Rebloomers don't seem to want to rebloom in this area.


Chattanooga, TN(Zone 7b)

i have Last Hurrah, it's just now starting to bloom, it is my first year with it and I thought it wasn't even going to bloom at all because it wasn't setting stalks when all the others did.

picture from yesterday morning

Thumbnail by GreenThumbsTN
Greensboro, NC(Zone 7a)

That is gorgeous! Now where on earth to stick more iris:lol: I was out of sorts that I missed getting in on the Blue J Iris co-op but it was probably for the best:lol:

Mine seem to be bloomed out too early for me as well =) Last Hurrah is really something!

Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

How about some sibs and Japanese, or Louisianas. Kathy Ann grows sibs and Jis well in her area. Are you near her?

Ashdown, AR(Zone 8a)

I just ordered a slew of TB's from Snow Peak, Some are for FM sales but I also got some for ME!.....so now I'm having to dig and prepared another bed so I have a place to put them. Luckily it's in a location I had hub's dig out some old spirea shrubs so I NEEDED to put something back there so the "room" will have 4 walls again.

I have a few Jap.irises and am growing some more from seeds that I got in trade but those are for my big pond I'm filling in and turning into a bog garden 'cause the roots from a big oak cracked the concrete. Also have some Sibs.

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