Garden Photos of '09.....#22

Nantucket, MA(Zone 7a)

Iris and allium are starting to really pop. I need to photograph them all today, but here are a few with some other things. I am happy to have hellebore in bloom. Patti

Thumbnail by bbrookrd
Nantucket, MA(Zone 7a)

Last one showing the instant lushness of the beds. Loving that the beds are all finally filling in and the tulips mess is covered up, though I would still love having more still blooming. Out to take some photos and clean the shed. Guess which one I want to do least? Patti

Thumbnail by bbrookrd
central, NJ(Zone 6b)

Patti, I can't believe you still have narcissus.

Nantucket, MA(Zone 7a)

Flowerjen, I try to plant many late varieties and, as Nantucket has a cooler spring than the mainland, due to the gulf stream, that keeps some narcissus happy into early June at my house. Plus I plant many in partial shade to extend the bloom period. They seem fine with that and keep coming back. Nantucket has a warmer winter and later fall also than the mainland. I have some just opening that I will photograph today. I love this one which is Narcissus Sherborne. Patti

Thumbnail by bbrookrd
Salem Cnty, NJ(Zone 7b)

Thanks, nuts. After I mentioned that, I looked it up and found out the same info, so I guess I just HAVE to get one myself. :)

You can never have enough narcissus.

Pepperell, MA(Zone 6a)

patti - no idea on what ever it is - will watch it and see if it flowers - cool look to it though - could be anything as the compost and dirt may have delivered it without my knowing.

Pittsford, NY(Zone 6a)

Beautiful gardens Patti

southern willamette , OR(Zone 7a)

I second everyone Patti... Your garden is beautiful. Great Job!

Anita.... love all of those clems!

Allison... I sure hope that you get caught up on sleep soon. That hole is not ugly. I've seen some ugly spots, that's just a spot! lol.

This message was edited May 26, 2009 11:52 AM

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Luvly pics all! Hi Mrs wha (waving at her). I am seriously nap-deprived from all my busyness planting, planting, planting. Back later.

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

Very nice, Patti. You seem to have your own climate thing going on there.

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

I believe I have ID's the two clems. The pink with the dark pink central bar is Liberation and the deep blue is Rhapsody.

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

Clem Daniel Deronda. Oddly, the newly opening ones are much redder.

Thumbnail by victorgardener
Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

Blue Ice.

Thumbnail by victorgardener
Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

Winky double blue has a pink streak in it, which nicely echoes the geranium and columbine.

Thumbnail by victorgardener
Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

Another allium.

Thumbnail by victorgardener
Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

Kalmia Keepsake - still in pot.

Thumbnail by victorgardener
Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

Last for now - view through pool gate.

Thumbnail by victorgardener
Pittsford, NY(Zone 6a)

my co-op clems have a long way to go.

southern willamette , OR(Zone 7a)

Love that Allium shot Victor! and the pool. lol

southern willamette , OR(Zone 7a)

I have some pics from the last few days.

Thumbnail by redchic01
southern willamette , OR(Zone 7a)

One bed that I actually like right now, with the exception of the hosta that must be moved. It's only going to get bigger!

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southern willamette , OR(Zone 7a)


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southern willamette , OR(Zone 7a)

a closer pic.

Thumbnail by redchic01
southern willamette , OR(Zone 7a)

the last for now.

I didn't really realize what I was focused on here.

Thumbnail by redchic01
Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

Thanks - great columbine shot, Shelly. Got that magic light working again!

southern willamette , OR(Zone 7a)

Thanks Victor. I think that the fuzz stuck on them adds to it. lol Now that I know about when that view exists, I'm going to try to get a more in focus pic of the group of them this evening.

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

I need to get some more clems...
RC you take amazing pics.

Pepperell, MA(Zone 6a)

victor very nice clem shots - your right you have a lot and they do not disappoint

shelly leave the hosta and make the bed bigger:)

patti i will need to do an on site inspection at the island it looks great.

as i type this a rose breasted gross beak is at the feeder by my second floor window.

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

Cool, where's your camera??

Pepperell, MA(Zone 6a)

it is downstairs in the kitchen - always not where i need it.

over the weekend we had a great blue heron on the pond early one morning - then i had 4 wood ducks land in a tree up about 35 ft right in front of me - and later those same wood ducks where in the pond and being chased by a muskrat - never had the camera handing

grossbeak gone - little woody and golden finch here how - you'll have to trust me:) only 3 feet way - can't type to fast or they will fly off.

southern willamette , OR(Zone 7a)

Thanks Jen.

I like your thinking Bill, only then I'll need to figure out where to relocate that part of the driveway. lol. Let's see.... move driveway or move hosta? you're right, moving the driveway sounds better!! I bet those ducks being chased by the muskrat was quite a sight!

Pepperell, MA(Zone 6a)

yes it was - must be protecting newborns

a couple years back i saw a river otter running all over the place down there - it was chasing a muskrat - the muskrat came out of the water and ran up into the yard to get away - otter came up and got a death grip on its neck and dragged it back down there for dinner - i do have fuzzy photo's of that nature channel moment.

southern willamette , OR(Zone 7a)

oh wow!!!! I'd love to see it! I didn't realize that river otters were that aggressive! crazy.

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

When we lived on the lake we'd see the momma duck being followed by her row of babies and the back one would get pulled under by a bass or a snapping turtle...I hated when that happened... a lot of the time momma duck would be down to 2 babies after her others had gotten eaten by something.

southern willamette , OR(Zone 7a)

ahhhhh.... that's sad.

Denville, NJ(Zone 6b)

think this is a waxwing.... couldn't get a good shot... but there was a huge flock of them in our tree tops yesterday.... mostly in the 100+ foot tulip tree... and they were all hanging at the top

Thumbnail by onewish1
Brooksville, FL(Zone 9a)

just wonderful everyone.

Just wish I could smell all of them.


Pepperell, MA(Zone 6a)

these are for shelly - they are out of fucus since the action was so fast i did not have time to change the camera to sport mode

Thumbnail by wha
Pepperell, MA(Zone 6a)

my wife was watching with me and thought they were playing

Thumbnail by wha
Pepperell, MA(Zone 6a)

she first thought the otter was a beaver - until it showed is looping stride running up the yard

Thumbnail by wha

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