House Finch (Carpodacus mexicanus)

Kansas City, MO

Thumbnail by kcviolet
Marlton, NJ

Very cute!

Kansas City, MO

I went out to water my Tahitian Bridal Veil hanging plant and found them. They're about 2-3 weeks old. Both parents are hanging around scolding us. I'm going to try to get a pic every weekend til they fledge.

Kansas City, MO

Went out to check the nest, and with a great flutter of wings, five little finches flew away! Five survivors! After three days I went back out & they were definitely all gone. Took my plant down & removed the nest and watered it with compost tea from the worm farm. Set it in a tray so I could bottom water it too. Here's hoping my plant is the sixth survivor!

Marlton, NJ

That's great news!

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