Slime Mold

Chesapeake, VA

Anybody know anything about how to get rid of slime mold?

The Woodlands, TX(Zone 9a)

What is it on?

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

Slime molds are kind of gross looking but they don't really hurt anything, so you probably don't need to do anything.

Chesapeake, VA

It is on top of the soil.

The plants with this disgusting thing on top of their potted soil are:
bourganivillea(probably misspelled)
flowering maple
athurium(probably also misspelled)

The Woodlands, TX(Zone 9a)

Well, by now they are probably gone. These are decaying fungi - decaying the organic matter in the potted soil or mulch. Although they look disgusting, they are harmless and nature's way of breaking down organic matter. Some of them look like scrambled eggs, or dog vomit, and so are commonly called by those names... No need for fungicides (they don't work here anyway), since these molds don't attack plants. If you just have to do something (they will dry up when they disperse their spores) you can use a shovel and toss them into the trash.

Chesapeake, VA

cell ejaytown,
That's probably as good a thing to do as anything to do about it. Maybe I'll experiment on the slime mold...heh, heh, heh....

Well, actually that might be a good idea. Conduct a scientific experiment, with photos...

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