Advice on growing “Climbing Alstroemeria” (Bomarea)

San Francisco Bay Ar, CA(Zone 9b)

I've never grown Bomarea before, but it was just too temping to pass up at the a friend and I each bought a tiny start. Here is what we got: The information on that link is the extent of my Bomarea knowledge at this point. Does anyone have any pointers for keeping this plant happy? Any additional information would be most welcome as well...i.e. how tall it will get, etc. I am pretty much out of room in the garden, so am considering planting it in a big pot and letting it grow up the wire "trellis" on my fence. Thanks in advance for your help. :-)

This message was edited May 20, 2009 9:10 PM

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

I tried growing them a few times, but over here the summers are a bit too hot for them. You're probably a few degrees cooler so maybe you'll have better luck. I definitely wouldn't put it somewhere that gets afternoon sun though, I think that'll make it unhappy but it would probably benefit from a bit of sun in the morning.

(Cissy) San Jose, CA(Zone 9b)

I have one also (I'm the friend with Sunnyg that got one). Unfortunately, Sunny and ecrane, I planted mine where the afternoon sun hits it. This morning, I noticed the top two leaves are dried up :( The only information on this beauty had said to keep it's feet cool and it's top in plenty of sunshine. I may have hurt mine. But I will do my best! Thanks!


DeLand/Deleon Spring, FL(Zone 8b)

Here's a tiny bit of info:
Course NOW I Want too !

you guys are a baddddddddddddddddddd influence.............

(Cissy) San Jose, CA(Zone 9b)

There ya go! Cool spot ::sigh:: I really don't want to disturb this little guy, so I think instead of moving it, I will protect it until it gets established. I'll put a lean-to of sorts to block out the direct rays of the sun. Think that will help? Or do you think I ought to transplant to a different place or pot?

LOL mjsponies!! I guess we are a bad influence!! I have never had this plant before I am so nervous I am going to kill it :-(

DeLand/Deleon Spring, FL(Zone 8b)

What about some shade cloth ? I've done that w/ some with my mini yellow hyacinth vine, till it got a bit bigger, took 4 stakes and tied the shade cloth to it w/ that green tape you get to tie your vines up with - made a "roof" over it...worked like a charm.

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

Shading it ought to help, but I have a feeling it's going to need protection from the afternoon sun on a permanent basis, not just until it gets established. So if you've got a spot that would be better for it in the long term it might be better to move it.

The good news is if you do kill it, it's frequently available at UC Berkeley plant sales so you can always get another one there if Annie's is out--the species might be different but they're all pretty!

San Francisco Bay Ar, CA(Zone 9b)

Thanks so much Ecrane and MJ...I think I will need to reconsider where I place it. The only spot in my tiny yard which is near the fence and fulfills the requirements is currently occupied by another "experiment." Ecrane, was it direct sun or the heat itself that did yours in? Have you ever seen one in bloom?, a bad influence? Never! I've been to several nurseries with Cissy, and she can attest to the fact that I would never, ever encourage any sort of unnecessary or extravagant plant purchases ;-). Then again, in my opinion they are all necessary purchases. I've seen seeds for sale online. I'd offer you some seeds off my plant, but I think unfortunately that is getting way, way, way ahead of myself. I'm afraid I'm going to kill this one too. I did do a bit more digging online, and found some more info (below). It does appear like it will need more shade. Cissy, if nothing else, rigging up some shade for it while you're deciding what to do couldn't hurt:

This message was edited May 21, 2009 1:05 PM

DeLand/Deleon Spring, FL(Zone 8b)

I wish we had an "Annies Annuals" or UC Berkeley here )-: !!! But I'm afraid my bank balance would really really suffer...........

San Francisco Bay Ar, CA(Zone 9b)

I'm sure I would be horrified if I kept track of all my garden-related purchases, and I only have a very small townhouse "yard." LOL

(Cissy) San Jose, CA(Zone 9b)

Quoting:, a bad influence? Never! I've been to several nurseries with Cissy, and she can attest to the fact that I would never, ever encourage any sort of unnecessary or extravagant plant purchases ;-).

Uh, hmm.....NOT! She is a terrible influenze! When we were pulling our wagon around Annie's, I had a BUNCH and she had NONE......but then she surpassed me ha ha ha ha. Too funny, Sunnyg!

Ecrane and MJ, guess I better dig her up and transplant IF I can find a spot where I can also construct a trellis for later when needed. ::crap:: LOL. BUT, Sunny??? you better be ready for another trip to Annie's...especially if this little guy doesn't make another transplant location ;-)

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

MJ...Annie's Annuals does mail order so you can be tempted right along with us! LOL

Cissy--I never put mine in an area that got a ton of sun, and any sun it did get was only in the morning, so I think it was the heat that did it in. I imagine having sun on top of that would have killed it faster though! I have seen them in bloom at the UC Berkeley botanical garden, that's how I first discovered them. It was in a sort of woodsy area and I think it was growing up through a tree. I got my first one from their plant sale, next one was mailorder from Heronswood (before they got bought by Burpee and became bad), and I think the third one was from Annie's and the 4th was from Orchard Nursery in Lafayette. I have a three strikes rule for plants, once I kill it three times I'm not allowed to buy it again. The first two times I kill something there's always some good reason or something I could have done different, but after the third time I have to admit that my climate is just not right for it. I actually cheated on this one and killed it 4 times before I gave up, so I'm definitely not allowed to try it again! The one I got from Orchard did the best and actually bloomed for me before it croaked--it was the one that gave me the most hope because the tag listed the grower as Diablo Valley College in Pleasant Hill and it gets hot there too and they've obviously found a way to make it live. But I killed that one too. Here's the one that did bloom for me

Thumbnail by ecrane3
(Cissy) San Jose, CA(Zone 9b)

Wow and wow, ecrane...another killer amongst us ;) Well, shoot. Hubby says not to dig it up and it may make it even worse. So, I have made a "shelter" for it. I am afraid I just may have to let it die, but not before I do everything I can. Also, there's something coming up from the soil right behind it. Nothing else is planted there and the little green point is rather "tubey" feeling. I'll just do nothing but care for it right now.

I will try a second time, but put it somewhere else. Thank you so much for the lovely picture and all you had to say about it. But, I figure if YOU had trouble 3 times and you are an experienced gardner, I know I won't be successful as a beginner. ::sigh:: :( We live and learn.


Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

Being an experienced gardener has nothing to do with it--even the best gardeners still kill things! Plus I'm not that experienced, I've only really been gardening seriously for the last 6 yrs so you may even have a better chance than I did!

DeLand/Deleon Spring, FL(Zone 8b)

I've looked at ordering from Annie's but their shipping is so high I just can't justify the final end cost of ordering from them.

(Cissy) San Jose, CA(Zone 9b)

lol ecrane....since I started about 2 years ago, you have answered a lot of questions for me. Therefore, you are experienced! LOL :)

MJ.....I totally agree with you. Their shipping is high. I won't order from them. That's why I am happy they are fairly close by. About 1 1/2 hours freeway drive away. They use UPS, so shipping is high. Their plants are more inexpensive when buying in person :) And, since my walking and gardening buddy is hooked on Annie's...what choice do I have to go there? ;-) Right, Sunnyg? hmm??

DeLand/Deleon Spring, FL(Zone 8b)

That's why I grow so much from seed. I can't get the plants any where around here within a reasonable drive ( or not that I've found yet), and I really don't have time to be driving all over the place....sooooooooooo, I grow ALOT from seed. But sometimes, you just want the plant NOW!! LOL!
oh, sunny has been a big contributor to my seed collection I won't pick on her ! But Cissy, somehow I doubt she has to "drag' you along !!!

(Cissy) San Jose, CA(Zone 9b)

But Cissy, somehow I doubt she has to "drag' you along !!!

Uh, ok, I confess. I have been there only once, but we have another trip planned soon and I can't wait! :D This time I am picking up two for my sister in law who loves Alltromeria and one for me to try again, even if this first one makes it! :D

Ashdown, AR(Zone 8a)

Oooo,I want this one so bad. Some one sent me some seed in trade but they've been down for WEEKS and no sign of them sprouting.....but I haven't given up on them yet.

I'm so jealous of those that get to shop at AA's in person. I spend long winter drolling over her webpage.


DeLand/Deleon Spring, FL(Zone 8b)

Be patient...My Gloriosa Lutea seeds took almost a month to sprout. I started them in coffee filters/baggie. After a few weeks of nothing happening, I nicked week later all 3 had sprouted and are now several inches tall. I'm going to start the rest of them now, but nick them to start with.
I'm thinking of getting some of the Bomarea seeds to start but thought I'd dig around from germination info first..

ohhh...Blue Stone Perennials is having a big half off sale and their shipping is very real vines but lots of neat stuff ! ( yup I ordered from them )

San Francisco Bay Ar, CA(Zone 9b)

Thanks so much for the pic and additional information, Ecrane! It's great to see a pic of it in the "real world," and not just the photos meant to sell the plants/seeds. MJ and Peggy, there are germination instructions at this link. Bottled water...yikes!

Cissy, are totally addicted I can tell (takes one to know one ;-)). Peggy, I have spent a lot of time on AA's website myself. LOL. Somehow I always find something else I just have to try out, and then I am back to clamoring for another trip up there. I am currently waiting on them to get some Cerinthe Retorta (next few weeks). MJ, did your Retorta ever germinate?

Well, I finally broke down and nervously planted my Bomarea. We are having a bit of cooler weather, and I've been madly planting things so they can hopefully get a tiny bit established before the hot weather comes back. I very gingerly moved my other "experiment" (Tecomanthe hillii) which was in that ideal location, and planted my little Bomarea in the ground. I hope I didn't just kill two experiments with this decision.

(Cissy) San Jose, CA(Zone 9b)

Sunny, thank you for the wonderful link. If you notice, the sparse info from AA's, it says Bomarea are not fussy. Wrong! And, I planted mine against a sunny wall...exactly what it says not to do :( My poor baby. I have a feeling it won't survive. Also, it gave the impression that most soil will be ok for it.. I didn't add perlite or sand when I planted.

Oh well, live and learn.
Thanks! Me thinks your plant is going to do great :D

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