dont know if this is bad

Battle Creek, MI

need help cant tell if this is a brown recluse, i live in the place and have found two one on the wal and one on the floor, dont know where their webs are and dont know what to do.

Thumbnail by helpme2316
Sinks Grove, WV

Definitely not a brown recluse (Michigan is hundreds of miles from the area where this species is endemic); it most likely is a male in the family Agelenidae (grass/funnel web spiders), looking like a Tegenaria spp. - see for an example. Spiders in this genus frequently are found indoors; they are not particularly dangerous, although large specimens can deliver a painful bite if mishandled.

Orlando, FL

could it be the huntsman spider

Sinks Grove, WV

Huntsman spiders (family Sparassidae) do not occur in Michigan; they likely do not occur north of Georgia in the eastern USA - see

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